004, what?

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MARI OPENED the door to her house, and walked out of it, with her phone in her hand.

after taking a minute to decide if she should get in her car and actually drive to mcdonald's or walk back inside and keep sleeping, she got into her car.

she started her G wagon and began pulling out of the driveway.

after driving in the neighborhood so she could gather herself, she parked in the mcdonald's parking lot.

the 4'10 girl got out of her car and walked inside of the mcdonald's.

"hi, can i have a uhm, ice cream cone and a medium dr pepper, please?" she forced a smile to the cashier, whom she already knows because she's their every other day with the triplets.

"hi mari, and that'll be 4 dollars and 63 cents!" riah, the worker told her, smiling.

mari hands her money to the girl and waits for her ice cream while she gets her dr pepper.

"thank you, ri." mari smiled before leaving the fast food place, walking right past matt's car, which she didn't even know was next to her own.

she stepped into her car and started it, before someone knocked on her window, which she rolled it down after seeing it was chris.

"yeah?" mari asked the boy who she knew got sent over here by one of his brothers. she's guessing he did anyway.

"nick said to text them back." chris said before walking away from the girls car.

she pulled out of the parking lot and drove back to her own house.


yesterday at 3:33pm

yesterday at 3:34pm

yesterday at 3:34pm

yesterday at 3:35pm

u still asleep?
yesterday at 3:35pm

ik ur not asleep u js
yesterday at 3:37pm

what was that caption?
yesterday at 3:38pm

fine mari.
yesterday at 3:39pm

i know right now your just
doing that thing where you
think everyone hates you and
they think your annoying but
none of us think that, mari.
we love you and your not annoying.
yesterday at 3:43pm

love you mari, whenever ur
over this, please text me.
yesterday at 3:44pm

hey nick, i'm sorry.


mari nick told me ab
what you think rn.
none of that is true
everyone fucking loves
you mari, your the funniest
and best person i know
we all love you and i'm sorry
your thinking this rn and
i'll leave u alone but i
love you.
yesterday at 3:52pm

i'm sorry chris i love
you too


why haven't you been
over to annoy us today
yesterday at 4:22pm

it's been peaceful, keep it
going amria
yesterday at 4:23pm

𝐑𝐄𝐃 - 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘸 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘰Where stories live. Discover now