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"Miguel?" I walk into the large office, seeing my husband working up on his platform as usual. "Still looking into this Miles kid?"

He turns to me and jumps down immediately, landing on soft feet, staying silent as he walks over and pulls me into his arms, burying his head in my hair. "mi vida."
* My life

"You're so stressed," I mumble, playing with his soft dark locks. "Come on, let's go so I can ease your mind off things."

"I can't leave right now..." He grits with shame, arms tightening. "There's just too much to work on."

"Miguel," I assert, pushing back to look the man in his eyes, raising one of my brows. "You aren't gonna sit here for hours on end without taking a break."

He hesitantly looks down to rest a hand on my stomach, and I feel the baby give a small kick towards his gentle touch. "You're right... as always," He sighs, pushing his forehead against mine. "Forgive me."

"You're still nervous about this," It's a statement, not a question. I knew what Miguel had been through with his previous family, and everyone's been trying to offer some kind of comfort over the past few months since I found out about the baby. Not that it's working.

He nods, leaving my stomach to hug me again, always finding comfort in our proximity, and I can say I feel the same.

"Very nervous. I can't bare being this attached to you and the child just... to lose it all again."

"Well we're not going anywhere," I assure, pulling back and resting my hand on the man's cheek. "Not now, not ever. te amo, Miguel."
* I love you, Miguel

I gasp a little as he lifts me in the air as a response, and laugh at him. "We're going to our room."

He's dead serious as he walks out and my eyes bulge. "Miguel wait! Hang on!"

The doors slide open and confetti canons explode with blue, silly string being shot at the two of us in the same color.

Miguel stops dead in his tracks, my body still in his arms as I can't help but smile at the quick reaction of The Spiders. My thumbs shoot up as I nod. "Good job guys!"

Meanwhile, the man of the hour remains quiet. Everyone is looking at him, waiting for some kind of reaction.

All he does is stare though, looking at the silly string on me and the small gathering I got for our surprise.

Miguel hadn't found out the gender of the baby with me last week, and he'd been pretty beaten up about it, so I thought we could all give him a gift.

I'm seeing now maybe he doesn't appreciate it the way I thought he would.


"I'm having... a son?" He looks over at me, and I see them. He's fighting it, but I'm no fool. The tears are starting to build in Miguel's eyes.

I have him set me down and give an awkward smile. "Surprise!"

Before anything else, Miguel is already motioning towards himself. "What if he's like... y'know—"

I try and fight the small gasp that wants to escape my mouth, along with the pain that suddenly hits me like a wave. "The world would be a lucky place if there was another person as brave and strong as you, Miguel. It's enough if our child simply shares even a piece of your astonishing mind."

"I'm a monster, y/n."

"You, Miguel, are my husband. My lover. The father of my child," I put my hand on his stiff chest. "Trust me when I say it's going to be alright."

. . .

Later that night, I'm in bed alone, as I usually am on a weekday when Miguel is working late, slaving over his screens and watching the different universes.

I groan when I feel a harsh kick to my stomach, and laugh a little while sitting up and resting a hand on the bump to try and calm him. "You are gonna be just like your dad aren't you, a little hothead."

"I believe he gets that from his mother," Miguel walks in, and I jump a little at the sudden entrance but smile, more than happy to see the man coming into bed. "Not me."

"Oh really? You wanna play the blame game?" I laugh, and the man walks around the mattress, coming over and getting on his knees to put a small kiss on my stomach.

"You started it," He shrugs, head resting on me as he looks up. "Can I?"

Knots of excitement fills my chest as I nod, loving it every time he asks to do this. "Of course."

Miguel rubs my stomach a small bit before he starts. "Hey there, it's me again... your dad. I know I was a little mean today, to you and your mom, but I'm feeling much better now. I just wanted to let you know that no matter what, I'll always love and protect you two, and someday you'll even protect Mom with me, won't you?"

I feel another kick and let out a small chuckle, smiling at the baby's response. "I think he said yes."

Miguel nods, a sudden seriousness on his face. "Good, we can't have anyone trying to take Mommy away from us. We O'Haras know how to love and care for our girls."

I jokingly smack his head a little this time, watching Miguel get up and take off his suit, leaving him in his underwear as he climbs into bed next to me.

"I don't lie, mi vida. No one will ever harm you, not as long as I breathe air."

I snuggle into the man's warm chest, relaxing my eyes closed. "I love you too."

. . .

I hope this was decent, I know people like to see what the future looks like a little so I thought I'd add in a baby to show that they're moving on and growing trust with each other. It's pretty cute if you ask me but I honestly don't know if I did this trope justice cause I know it's a 50/50 shot. Forgive me if I butchered it.

Anyway, this is the second to last chapter of this book so I hope you enjoyed it and can go on to read bigger and better things! Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a great week!

I'm working on the sexy chapter rn I just never write them fast enough and honestly they're hard for me cause I can't visualize them but it's coming along, so for everyone waiting for one of those don't worry ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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