Little Man

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A/N: This is a really weird but quite funny part of my story "Spy In Denial"!!


"Good morningggggg." Chuck talked dramatically and long. 

"Good morning, Chuck," Newt replied.

I leaned my head on my hand and continued eating, just for Chuck to wave his hand in front of my eyes. "Hello? I said good morning! It's polite to say something back, you know?"

"Morning," I grumbled.

"Did Minho do something again?" Chuck frowned. "Why are you moody?"

Minho appeared and whispered something in Chuck's ear, whose eyes opened wide and cheeks red. "What does that mean?"

"What does what mean?" I wondered, curious about whatever the hell Minho said about me this time.

Chuck frowned. "Can you repeat it, Minho? I forgot what you said."

Newt scoffed. "He told you three seconds ago!"

"Like Minho once said, I'm mentally three." Chuck proudly crossed his arms.

"Wow! He admitted!" Minho gasped loudly, sarcastically, of course.

"Just repeat it!" Chuck ordered. Minho sighed and leaned in, whispering something again. "A little louder, please? I think I'm deaf."

Again, Minho's mouth moved, meaning he talked, but Chuck's eyebrows furrowed. "Talk shucking louder!"

Minho rolled his eyes and let out a very girly yell right in Chuck's ear. "OW!" Chuck screamed. "Now I'm definitely deaf! Just repeat it out loud, for klunk's sake!"

For the fourth time, Minho whispered something, Chuck slowly nodding. "Aah. Okay." His eyebrows scrunched even deeper. "I still don't know what that means."

"What means what?" Newt asked.

"Does that mean a day full of ladies?" Chuck innocently blurted out, ignoring Newt.

"What?" Minho yelled out.

"You said ladies day!" Chuck defended. "Y/N, can you explain?"

"No." I snapped, not in the mood for any of their fun talks, and especially not for Minho joking about periods again.

"Didn't know you would get mad," Chuck mumbled, but then raised his voice again. "Who wants to help prank Gally today?"

"I have to run," Minho replied.

"Gotta work, sorry, Chuck." Newt apologized before turning to me. So did Minho and Chuck.

My cheeks got red. "What?"

"Where is your mind going? I asked if you want to join pranking Gally!" Chuck pouted heavily, like I said something hurtful.

"Oh, no. Not today, Chuck. Sorry." I answered, quieter than I expected to sound.

"Y'all are boring!" Chuck sighed.

"Excuse you? I risk my life out there every shuck day, just to give you a home! Give me some credit, jeez." Minho argued, throwing his hands in the air. 

"Did you just say I'm homeless?" Chuck gave Minho an offended glance. "Because then you are too!"

Minho and Chuck kept on bickering about literally nothing useful, so I didn't really bother them much.
"Why are you even up this early, Chuck?"

"Because you're the only ones in here that appreciate me a bit! Well.. only Newt and Jane. I feel like you hate me!"

"Your senses are good, Chuck."

"You take that back right now!"

"You asked for it."

"I didn't put a question mark behind it!"

"Put away that attitude of yours, little man!"

"At least I'm a man!"

"A little one!"

"Which part of a man we talkin' about?"

Newt choked on his food once Chuck said that, coughing loudly after, but Chuck kept going.

"Because I'm sure your little man is-."

Newt slammed his hand on Chuck's mouth like usual. "We get it, Chuck."

Chuck licked Newt's hand, since the blonde pulled away. "How do you get it? It's not like you have proof. Or did you see-."

"Chuck, we get it. Seriously." Newt added, cheeks slightly red.

"I don't." Chuck turned to me. "Y/N, I'm sure you know the answer."

"About what question?" I grinned just to annoy Newt, but then my face dropped and I gave Chuck an offended glance. "Why are you asking me? I'm not supposed to know that!"

"I bet you do know, because-."

"Shut your bloody mouth, Chuck!" Newt ordered. "This is embarrassing."

"Why? Because your-."

"Don't finish that sentence." Newt threatened, interrupting Chuck once again.

"Why not? Are you jealous?"

"Why would I be- wait. Don't continue or answer, please." Newt commanded, sternly, probably tired of Chuck.

"Alright, Newt the Second-in-command." Chuck mimicked in a high-pitched voice.

Definitely has some attitude.

"You could've helped to defend me!" Chuck whisper-screamed in my ear.

"I think you did a pretty good job with that yourself," I replied, motioning at Newt's pissed face.

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