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Chapter two

"Get the fuck out!"

Niki got out of the house as his parents were already fighting this early in the morning this was normal. He can hear his parents arguement fade out in the back as he kept walk-in g away.

He was half ready, Niki didn't really care if he was ready for school or not. They were lucky enough to have him show up. Being a troubled teen means that you had other priorities other than school.

It wasn't always like this. There were good times. It all started from his dad's alcohol and gambling addiction putting their whole family under a bit of debt. His parents fights only got worse from there. Niki learned to become numb to all of it and it taught him in the end of the day, nothing really mattered.

Niki stopped in his tracks and sighed. He really didn't want to go back to school. He was able to save enough money during the summer working on the side for his friend's parents. But now that school is starting back up, he couldn't get a job and stack his cash.

He turned the other way to go to an Internet cafe instead for a little bit before going to class. After some time, he decided to humor himself and took his ass to school. He didn't want to, but I guess he wanted to show face to his friends.

Niki finally gets to school just with barely enough  of the school day left. There was 30 mins before the bell rings for dismissal. On the front gates, he was met by some of his "friends."

"Ayo, Niki!" They called to get his attention. Niki turns around and walks over to them. "Nice of you to show up." One of the guys said.

"It is, isn't it." Niki said in a monotone.

"You have to come with us later, we're going to get something to drink." Another guy said.

Niki just started at them. "Nah, I think I'm gonna sit this one out." He said before turning around. He could already smell the alcohol on them from the flasks they snuck in.

"Yo, he doesn't want to go since he'll probably see his old man there fuckin some other bitch." One of the guys joked around laughing.

Niki was already in a bad mood from this morning so it didn't take much for anything to set him off. He turns back around and without a single thought knocked the kid on the ground and punched him in the face.

A loud smack was echoed in the courtyard as the group made a commotion. This caught the attention of the teacher and hurriedly tried to break them up. It was also at this time where the bell rung and everyone was out of school.

The whole school pretty much witnessed him beating this dude up. He was catching his breath from the adrenaline as a teacher was holding him back.

Niki looks up and makes direct eye contact with this girl who looked in completely shock. He could just imagine how scary he probably looked.

He goes into the office where they basically yelled at him and lectured them about throwing their lives away. He didn't care, he's heard it before. The two of them got away with a week suspension.

-Some time later on the week-

Niki didn't mind suspension. It mean that he had less things he had to do. He basically just stayed in his room the whole after getting nagged at. He would just tune everything out with his headphones.

It was now Friday, after being locked up for so long he didn't want to be cooped up in the house anymore. His mom barely cooks anymore so he just always went out to get something to eat. He got up and went to the nearest convenience store from his house. He decided to buy some snacks and probably chill somewhere peaceful.

He goes inside the store any grabs his usual snacks from the aisle. As he was about to grab a bag of candy, a girl was in the way deciding what she wanted. Niki patiently waited.

A couple of minutes had passed and it seems like she was still undecided. Niki just rolls his eyes and lightly shoved her out of the way to get what he wants. The girl looks at him surprised and confused. He looked back at her to glare at her, then he realizes this was the same girl from the fight.

He ignores her and goes in line to pay.

It was the next day and Niki goes to the same convenient store to pick up something to eat again and coincidentally, he sees her again in the same candy aisle. He pays no mind again and went on his business.

This went on for a couple of more days. And he just thought to himself, "damn she must really like candy." He sees her again but this time she was in line to pay for her stuff. Niki falls inline behind her.

She stumbles behind him stepping on his foot. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She turns around of face him. Her eyes widen before she quickly turns back around.

He was a bit irritated from this interaction but decided to let us pass again. A couple days have passed and he needed to make a trip to the store again. Niki thought if he would see the same girl again, and oddly enough, he did. But this time she was wearing sunglasses.

"What the fuck?"


I hope y'all enjoyed!!!!

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