Day 10

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Chapter three

Eunchae went upstairs after hearing what her mom said. She had asked to be excused after consoling her mom from crying. Eunchae couldn't even cry, she was in a state of shock more than sad. Eunchae hasn't processed the information quite yet. She laid down on her bed trying to make sense of what just happened.

She was only 17 years old. She thought of all the things she might not even get to do. Sky dive, travel, eat different kinds of foods, go on a date, or have her first kiss. She couldn't even cry since it didn't even feel real.

Her mom and dad talked about chemo and treatment and it might not be terminal. It was weird to talk about all of this since she was just a normal teen in high school yesterday.

Eunchae blinked and quickly got up from her bed and ran to her desk. She got out her a red notebook and her favorite pen and started to write a list of all the things she wants to experience. She didn't want to leave the world without being able to feel. Or even if she didn't die, at least she could say she's done these things.

Eunchae wrote in big bold letters "Bucket list". She wrote all the different types of food she wats to try, Places she wanted to go to, and the simple things she wants to experience. She wanted to have a sip of alcohol, she wanted to hold hands with someone she liked, she wanted to go on a trip to Jeju with her friends. The list went on.

As all these ideas came flooding in her mind, she stops and thinks that all of these aren't as easy to do. She thought harder, she needed to start small.

Eunchae then remembers back in elementary school. Her friends were peer pressuring her to steal this packet of candy from the convenient store. She was too scared to do it, but it seems that everyone in her class were able to do it but her. Eunchae was grown now, but she still thinks about it every time she sees the candy in the store.

She wanted to test her courage, so she left the house and told her parents she was just going out for fresh air. Eunchae walks to the closest convenient store and goes inside. The clerk greets her as she smiles back at them. She speed walks to the candy aisle and looks for the specific candy.

She stares at the candy like it was taunting her. Knowing that she was about to steal it, she couldn't get herself to grab it. a couple minutes pass by and a guy shoves her aside, but before she can look the guy had already turned around to pay. Eunchae shakes her head and sighed. She takes a different bag of candy and goes ahead and pays for them. She figured she could just try another time.

The next day, She goes back to the same store and tried to do it again but ended up chickening out. She did this twice more and failing again.

It was now the 4th attempt and she decided there was not turning back this time. She wore these huge sunglasses and a hoodie that she pulled over her head and tied the laces. She grabs the candy and stood near the door. She was shaking, she didnt know if she could actually go through with it.

All of a sudden she felt a hand on her wrist and pulled her through the door.


Niki yelled at Eunchae as he grabbed her arm running as fast as he can. She follows running along with him trying to keep up. This isn't how she expected this to play out. They get to safe place, they were both catching their breath.

Eunchae held her hand over he chest trying to calm herself down. She looks at the guy standing next to her. "Thank you but you didn't have to do that." She said apologetically.

He stood there quietly for a second looking at her. "It's not everyday I see the goody two shoes shoplifting." He said.

"Um... yeah." She said nervously as she stood still.

He scoffs and walks away. Eunchae watched him leave. She knew his reputation, hopefully this will be the last time they run into each other. Niki was scary, and that's all she knew about him. But if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't been able to go out those doors.

She grabs the candy from her pocket and looks at it. She grabbed 2 packets. She just smiles to herself. "I don't even know if that was worth it." She said to herself.

It was now the next day and her parents and the doctors finally cleared her to go back to school. She walks to the bus stop and sees her friends. Kyujin Runs up to hug her. "Hey! Please tell me you're okay!" She yelled.

"I'm okay." Eunchae said with a hint of nervousness in her voice. She hasn't been texting or told anyone about her leukemia. "I didn't really eat much that day." She lied.

"Well, don't scare us like that anymore, okay?" Kyujin said gently patting her back.

"Yeah, Ill make sure you eat." Haerin added.

Eunchae smiles and laughs. "Okay, thank you guys." She appreciated them. She thought she would tell them eventually when the time was right.

School was normal again. Eunchae's head was in the clouds since she couldn't really focus on school right now for obvious reasons. She was able to cross one thing out of her list. She wanted to go unto the next. She was doodling on the same red notebook and was trying to think of what she can do next.

She thought of how last night played out. She thought of how much of an idiot she looked like trying to steal. Eunchae shakes her head and raises her hand. "May I please use the restroom?"

Eunchae wondered the halls, she didnt really need to use the bathroom. Would this be considered as skipping class? She thought to herself. Technically she has permission but she's just now taking her time.

She made it to the lockers and someone standing by them. Their back was against the locker, coincidentally hers. Eunchae walks closer to her locker, but as she got closer she sees the person near her locker was the guy that helped her steal last night.

Eunchae's eyes widened as she made a 180 to walk the other way.

"Hey! Shoplifter!" Niki calls out.

She stops in her tracks and slowly turns around to face him.

"First stealing, now skipping? I've never seen you around these halls before." he scoffed as he walked closer to her.

Eunchae swallowed the lump in her throat before speaking. "Why did you help me?" She asked nervously.

"Because it was the 4th time I've seen you in there contemplating it." Niki said as he took out a lollipop out of his pocket.

"Oh, I tried not to be obvious." She said a little quieter.

"Should've tried harder." He said while unwrapping the candy and putting it in his mouth. "So, what's up with that? He asked, not because he was curious, but because he found this all entertaining.

"It's nothing...Just wanted to try it." Eunchae replied while shuffling her foot on the floor. She was still trying to avoid eye contact.

"Mhm, you're fucking weird." Niki said slightly chuckling. He turned around to walk the other way but he felt a tug on his jacket preventing him from going further.

Eunchae didnt know what got into her as Niki turned around to face her again. "Uh-Uhm..." she stuttered. She reaches in her pocket and pulls out one of the packet of candy she stole last night. "Here." She extends her arm and offers him the candy.

Niki stared at the candy then at Eunchae.

"Since you helped me." She said finally looking into his eyes.

Niki just scoffs and takes the candy from her. "Thanks." He said before walking away.

Eunchae watched him as he walked away. She thought about it real quick. If anyone can help her complete her list, it was Niki.


I love Chaemura sm bro idk
Anywayyysssss hope y'all enjoyed, ily 😘

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