Inside a dark room a demon is sleeping peacefully when...
"KIYO-CHAN!, SUMI-CHAN!, NAHO-CHAN!, AOI-CHAN! TANJIRO WOKE UP FROM HIS COMA!!" a voice yell from outside not so far from your room. This made you awoken a little, your eyes open a little showing relief. 'Thank goodness, your awake brother' you thought a you can't help and slowly fall to sleep once again.
You open your eyes and sit from. Your lying position, you look at the wall across your bed looking at a calendar.'A week... I've been sleeping for whole two days' I'm thankful for Aoi-san for putting a calendar and marking it everyday as sometimes I don't know how long I've been sleeping.
And you suddenly remember that your brother is awake, you stand and about to leave the room when you notice the slight light coming from outside, meaning it's still morning. You walk back towards your bed when the door suddenly open.
Your eyes widen as your brother enter the room. He immediately close the door behind him. You immediately run and hug him.
"I'm sorry if I made you worry" "mmm" you shake your head telling him that it's alright.
"I brought some onigiri and dango" your brother said raising a plate full of onigiri and dango" your eyes sparkle your brother chukles. You two eat it. 'Ahh human food the best'
"Umm Nezuko" you look at your brother while eating the dango. "Back when we are fighting the upper moon transform that look like more of a demon" "but I am demon brother" "that's not what I meant, I mean is that~"
"I look different, it's a transformation that highten my demon ability, I guess everything about being a demon, that's why I'm so happy and relieved that I didn't hurt anyone, that I got to control it" "do you mean" "yes, I'm relived that I can still keep my conscious and think straight even my instinct and body is acting weird when I got to see a blood"
"Thank you, for not changing" "no I should be the one thank in gyou brother, I'm just doing what I can to at least ease some of your burden, you, we already suffered enough" you said as your brother hug you.
The days passed and your brother recovered and undergone a rehabilitation training, every-day he visit your room, sometime you are awake and sometimes you are not.
*thudYou was awaken when your when bump to something.
'A wall......oh I'm inside my box' you thought, and decided to knock.
"Ahh Nezuko, your awake, soory if I didn't wake you up. We are currently in front of the sword Smith village. I haven't got in touch to Mr. Haganezuka so I got a permission from Oyakata-sama to visit the village." Your brother said.
'Oh Sword Smith village......did he just say'
'GIVE ME A BREAK! !!' you thought crying inside
I hope you like it and that's the end of Chapter 20
Reborn as Nezuko
FanfictionThis is a story where Y/N is reborn as Nezuko, the younger sister of Tanjiro who became a demon because of a certain incident. *Please read the Authors Note for more info. *I'LL UPDATE WHEN I CAN, I'M JUST BUSY FOR THE COMING MONTHS!!!