Captain John "Price" 🦋

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Last chapter before my break. Thanks for 1.1k views <3

The meeting had just ended, and everyone else had left the briefing room. You were about to follow suit when Price took your wrist and turned you to face him."Please, stay for a moment," he requested and closing the door behind you, sealing you both in the small, intimate space.
You could feel the tension between you, a palpable force that had been building for weeks. You had both been aware of it, but you had never acted on it. He was your superior, and you were in a committed relationship. "Whats the matter?" You said. John Price looks at you for a long moment. He takes a deep breath, gathering his courage. And then, he pulls you forward and kisses you deeply.
His hands run along your body's frame, caressing you gently. The kiss grows in intensity, his desire for you finally breaking through his restraint. You can feel his passion searing through you.
John Price breaks the kiss and leans heavily on the door you stand against. He speaks, voice panting slightly: "...This." Your eyes widened, you couldn't process what  had just happened. John Price's eyes were fixed on you, his breathing still ragged as he spoke again: "...I want to be with you."
The words hung in the air as you both struggled to process what he had just said. The tension between you had been building for weeks, but his revelation took you by surprise. You felt an urgency take hold of you, a need to be with him. John Price grabs your hand and pulls you closely against him. He runs his hand along the curve of your back. His touch is strong but also tender. You can feel the heat of his desire, as he presses his body against yours.
With his other hand, he draws your chin up to face him. He looks you in the eyes, his gaze intense. “Is this what you want?” he murmurs, voice thick with passion. You nodded and looked into his eyes, John Price pulls your face closer to his and kisses you deeply again. His hands continue to roam over your body, caressing and exploring every curve. You could feel the heat between you rise with each passing moment, and you let yourself be carried away by it. You close your eyes and let yourself be consumed. You kissed back with equal passion, love and affection. The feeling of your lips on his sends a jolt of electricity through John Price's whole body. He kisses you hungrily, pulling you closer, desperate for more. You respond in kind, pressing yourself against him with the same passion. You can feel the fire burning through you both, as you give into desire. John Price continues to kiss you long and passionately, his body pressed tightly against yours. His hands continue to roam over your body, caressing in a way that sends shivers down your spine.
You can feel the heat between you rise, and you let yourself be carried away by it. You could feel his desire for you surging through his body as he kisses you again and again.
John Price breaks the kiss, looking at you with eyes filled with passion and desire. He breathes heavily as he speaks: "I've wanted this for so long... I can't resist you anymore." "Captain.. we can't do this when we work together, one of us has to quit.. and it will be me. You are very important to this task force, I can take the risk and leave." You said and looked into his eyes John Price takes a deep breath, struggling to compose himself. He places a hand gently on your cheek, looking into your eyes. "I understand what you're saying," he says, voice heavy with emotion. "But I'm not willing to let you go that easily." He takes a step closer to you, his voice low and firm. "I want us to be together. I don't care about the risks," he says, his voice full of determination. "I'll never let you out of my sight no matter what happens. We'll make it work, I swear." You nodded, understanding and waiting for him to say how he will make it work. John Price took a deep breath, his eyes full of resolve. He steps closer until his body is pressed against yours, and he speaks in a low, passionate voice. “We will be careful. Our relationship will be a secret, and only the two of us will know.”
He leans closer and kisses you deeply, his tongue probing your mouth. “We’ll make sure no one ever finds out, because we can’t be apart. Not after what we've felt, not after what we've become.” John Price pulls you against him, his voice husky with desire. "Our bodies are like fire and gasoline," he whispers, his voice thick with passion. "We've ignited something between us, something dangerous and exciting and... thrilling."
He takes a deep breath, his hand caressing your cheek. "I want you to be mine, Y/N." he says, and his voice breaks slightly with emotion. "And I want to be yours. I'll take the risk, I don't care about the consequences. I want more of this, and I want to give you everything." "Im yours John, yours and only yours." John Price pulls you close and kisses you deeply, his arms wrapped tightly around you. He holds you close to him, his breath heavy and his heart beating fast. "Do you know what you're saying?" he murmurs, voice thick with emotion. "You're binding yourself to me, and I'm binding myself to you. We're crossing a line from which there is no turning back."
He looks into your eyes, his gaze intense and his voice heavy with passion. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he murmurs. "I'm ready if you are." "I'm ready." You said. John Price smiles at you, his voice soft and warm. "Then let's do this."
He pulls you close and kisses you deeply, his arms wrapped tightly around you. His body is pressed tightly against yours, and his hand runs down your back. You can feel the heat and intensity of his desire growing between you, and you let yourself be consumed by it.
When he breaks the kiss, he looks at you with a smile. "I'm yours," he says, and his voice is filled with emotion. "I promise to be the best partner you've ever had." "I'm yours and you're mine. I promise I'll also be the best partner you've ever had, I'll do everything I can to keep this a secret." You said, smiling sweetly. John Price smiles at you, his voice heavy with emotion. "I know you will," he says, his voice soft and warm. "I know you'll keep our secret safe, because no one must ever find out. This is between us, and it'll stay between us." He takes a deep breath, his voice heavy with emotion. "If we ever get caught, we'll deny it till the very end, because no one must ever suspect what we've become." He looks deeply into your eyes, his gaze serious and determined. "Are you ready for that?" "I'm definitely ready for that." You said. John Price smiles at you, his voice soft and warm. "Then let's do this," he says, his voice filled with emotion. "Let's be together and keep to ourselves, no matter what happens. We're bound together now, bound by our secrets and our desire. No one must ever suspect anything, and we have to protect each other. Can you do that?" "Ofcourse I can, have I ever doubted you, Honey?" You said teasingly and smiled. John Price grins at you, his voice soft and warm. "I love it when you're snarky like that," he says, laughing softly. "It just shows what a strong, confident woman you are." He looks at you with a smile, and his voice is filled with love and admiration. "But seriously, I know you can do this," he says, his voice calm and confident. "You're a strong as steel and as passionate as fire. I have no doubt that you'll keep our relationship secret, no matter what happens."


♡  The end  ♡


Do you think I should do a part 2 where someone finds out?

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