Simon "Ghost" Riley 🦋

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Fucking 4.5k?? Thank you, sorry I'm not updating often I run out of ideas sometimes.

It was the first day as a barista in a small cafe. You were cleaning the counter while humming a song. Suddenly, someone walks in the cafe, it's a tall, muscular man with a skull balaclava. "Morning." He said in his cold and deep voice. "Goodmorning sir! What can I get for you?" You asked. "The usual." You slightly panicked. "It's my first day, could I ask what your usual is?" He raised an eyebrow and slightly glared at you with his cold hazel eyes. "Its a black coffee with creamer." You nodded. "Would you like anything else?" You smiled kindly. He couldn't lie when he said he was slightly attracted to your beautiful features. You had a beautiful body, beautiful eyes, amazing features and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the way you looked. "No thanks." He said coldly, he didn't want to come off as cold but he couldn't help it. You nodded and began making his coffee, bringing it to him shortly. "The total is 6.50" You said, smiling. He couldn't help but be attracted to your smile, but you couldn't tell due to the mask. He gave you 10. "Keep the change." You smiled. "Thank you! Have a great day!" You put the money away and cleaned after yourself. [Where you made the coffee] He left the shop and drank the coffee on his way back to the base, he couldn't help but think about you while on his way back. Your smile, your voice everything about you was amazing. He took a sip of the coffee and his eyes widened, when other workers made it, it wasn't as perfect as yours. Yours was perfectly sweet and the creamer was just enough to complement the black coffee. He smiled under his mask and continued drinking the coffee.

The next day he came in again, "Morning." You smiled. And looked up at him. "Good morning." You could see his mask shift slightly into a smile. "The usual." You nodded, recognizing the order and making it the exact same way as yesterday. "Anything else?" You asked as you brought him the coffee. "Uhm, I could try the croissant." He said. "Ofcourse! Which flavor would you like?" You asked. "Strawberry and chocolate, please." You nodded and said. "Here or to go?" You asked. "Here." He said. "Okay." You got a ceramic plate and put on it the strawberry and chocolate croissant. "Here you go!" You smiled and happily gave it to him.
You could've sworn you saw his mask shift up into a smile. He sat down and lifted his mask up right above his nose, he finished the first croissant and then drank half the coffee, the second croissant and then the other half of the coffee. After he finished, he brought you the ceramic plate and the cup and you smiled and took them, you began washing them and then turned around so he could pay. "The total is.. 26.40." You said, smiling up at him. He gave you 30 and told you to keep the change.

The same thing went on for months. Until one day, he didn't come in. You shrugged it off thinking he was busy. A week passed and he still didn't come until one day, he came in at night. "Hey." He said, he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Hi! The usual?" I asked, smiling at him. "No, I'd like what you normally drink." Your eyes widened slightly but you began making your usual drink and served him it. "You haven't come in last week? You okay?" You asked, cleaning the counter. He took a sip from your drink and smiled. "Yeah.. I was just deployed on a mission. Here, these are for you." He said, handing you the flowers. "Awe! Thank you so much!" You smiled and smelled the bouquet. It smelled amazing and you absolutely loved it. He cleared his throat and looked at you. "May I take you out to a picnic, tomorrow?" You blushed and looked at him smiling, he smiled back and you nodded. "Yes, yes you may." He smiles once again. "What time are you free?"
"Uhm, does 7 sound good?"
"Yes Ofcourse. Where do I pick you up?"
"I live across the street." I pointed at the small apartment across the street. "Alright, I'll see you then, darlin'." He said, leaving the shop. You looked at the flowers and smiled to yourself.

The next day.

You dressed up in a cute dress, it was black and had flowers. You didn't put makeup on since youre beautiful just the way you are.

(You're welcome Y/N. This is a body positivity zone!)

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(Back to the story.)

You did your hair, simply letting it down and curling your bangs. You then waited outside and Simon came. He smiled once he saw your beauty. He offered his hand and you held it. "You look absolutely stunning." He says and kisses your hand, causing you to blush more. You both went to the park where he had prepared a picnic and some more flowers. You both sat down. "Do you know my name yet or?"
"No, that's why I'm asking you on this date." You giggled lightly. "Right, I'm sorry. I'm Y/N. It's a pleasure to have a talk with you outside of work." He smiled. "It's a pleasure to have a talk with you aswell. I'm 'Ghost', it's a nickname. You can call me Simon." He began pulling out some food, snacks, drinks and alot of other things. You both began sharing your life's and how you for your jobs, etc. After the date, it was about 10 pm. He offered to walk you home, once you were at your door it started pouring rain. You invited him inside and he came in. "I'm assuming you'll stay here for a while?" He nodded and took off his shoes and wet coat. "May I sit?" He asked politely. "Yes Ofcourse! Make yourself at home!" You said and sat on the couch. "I have some of my brothers old clothes if you want to wear them until the morning comes. "Yeah sure, sounds good." You went and grabbed some of your brothers clothes. "Theres a guest room and a bathroom in it aswell." You said, handing him the clothes. He nodded and went to change.

After he was done he came out and you were also wearing some comfortable pj's and sitting on the couch. He came and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you closer. You smiled and turned on the TV to watch any shows. We began watching some movies and shows. It was 2 am before we knew it and it was still pouring rain. You both said goodnight and you were about to go to your room but he pulled your hand towards him and pulled you close, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning in. "May I?" He asked. "You may." You replied. He lifted his mask to above his lips and planted a soft, passionate kiss on your lips. The kiss was magical, passionate, gentle and warm. You wrapped your hands around his neck and continued kissing until you both ran out of breath and pulled away, breathing heavily. "Wanna sleep in my room instead?" You said. He nodded and smiled. "Let's go." You both went to the room and cuddled, the first position of cuddling was spooning, then you layed on his chest and listened to his heartbeat until you both fell asleep. "Goodnight, darlin."
"Goodnight, love."

I honestly think this is so cute 🤭

And thank you for the votes and views y'all 🫶🏻

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