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32| "When he opens his heart." 

Nina took another gulp of the alcohol, then settled the bottle on her side. Her back was slumping on the couch as she crossed her ankles. Despite having a buzz in her head, the tension was coiling in her stomach. Her movements were lazy and distracted as memories from that date night unfurled through her like an invisible spool of silk. Two weeks had passed since then, but the intimate moments were still ricocheting in the walls of her head.

Two freaking weeks and Nina was still trapped with him in 'envy'. Behind those red walls. Dwelling in the dirty whispers and carnal touches that Taehyung had stained her with.

Nina recalled how her heart was rolling, pirouetting, cart-wheeling in a corner of her chest when Taehyung kissed her, owned her, and thoroughly fucked her that night.  She couldn't go another day without being strangled by those moments, it was heavy on her chest, moving around her veins. 

Her whole body became tantalizingly traitorous. Twisting, dripping, and melting against him in a way that formed a delirious craving to only seek his warmth in her loneliness. Only Taehyung, it should be only him and no other man. That's how he had ruined her for anyone else. No matter how many men she would meet, no one would be able to pull a string of her heart and set fire to her body.

Even after waking up from blacking out, Nina had no desire to leave Taehyung on the bed like she did the last time. So, she clings to him like a maiden who couldn't get enough of her lover. Pretending to sleep against his bare chest, only to listen to the wild humming of his heart. 

Taehyung was wide awake. Horny, hard, and desperate to be inside her again. You see, this man just couldn't keep his dick calm around her. 

And when Taehyung couldn't deal with the stark naked cuddling— without much hesitation, he pulled Nina onto his lap and made her ride him until she was spent and even then continued to take her throughout the whole night. Nina loved every second of it.

It wasn't something Nina was proud of but she had fantasized about fucking Taehyung while claiming to hate him. That night, she realized, there was more that she had been avoiding all of these times… and his wish for her to love him was slowly, painfully taking root in her body— Nina didn't know if she should take that path again. Could she love him all over again? 

Hate was always easy but love was that dark shadow that would follow you everywhere.

"You know that you can talk to us, right?" Talia took a slow sip of the drink from the tumbler, unlike Nina who was chugging alcohol from the bottle like a drunken man who was grumpy and irked.

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