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*In Blues Room, Blue, her brother sprinkles and the rest of her friends were getting ready for bed*

Roar E.: Good night Dress Up Chest

Dress Up Chest: Oh Good night Roar E

Sprinkles: Good night Dress Up Chest

Dress Up Chest: Oh Good night Sprinkles

Roar E.: Good night DoodleBoard

DoodleBoard.: Good night Roar E. Saurus

Roar E.: Good night Polka Dots

Polka Dots.: Good night Roar E. Saurus

Sprinkles: Good night Polka Dots

Polka Dots: Good night Sprinkles

Roar E.: Good night Fredrica

Fredrica: Good night Roar E

Roar E.: Good night Blue. Good night Sprinkles

Blue: Good night Roar E

Sprinkles: Good night Roar E

*After Blue and Sprinkles said their goodnights to all of their friends, both of them got into their pajamas and hopped into bed*

Sprinkles: Good night Blue

Blue: Good night Sprinkles

*Blue turned off the lights and both fell asleep. But a few hours later in the night, Sprinkles was seen tossing and turning his bed with a scared expression on his face struggling to sleep. Turns out he was having a bad dream*


*Sprinkles woke up and he back in Puppyville*

Sprinkles: Huh? W-W-Why am I back at Puppyville? Blue? Blue!? Where are you?

*Sprinkles saw Blue at the far distance skidooing back to her room*

Sprinkles: Blue! Wait for me

*Sprinkles was able to caught up with Blue but only to hear some devastating info on why he's back in Puppyville*

Blue: I'm sorry Sprinkles

Sprinkles: W-Wha-What do you mean?

Blue: You're not my baby brother

Sprinkles: Wait! What? I am

Blue: You're not. I'm sorry

Sprinkles: No. It can't be true

Blue: I know it's hard. But don't worry. You'll do fine

Sprinkles: No please Blue. I don't wanna be alone

*Blue then skidoo back to her room leaving sprinkles in Puppyville leaving sprinkles behind. But all of a sudden, some mean dog came up to sprinkles*

Dog Bully #1: Well well well look who came back to puppy town

Dog Bully #2: Looks like someone had a fake sister all along

Dog Bully #3: This is where you belong. And you ain't never leaving

*The bullies get closer to sprinkles cracking their fists getting ready to beat him up as sprinkles backs away*

Sprinkles: Please don't. I don't wanna get hurt

Dog Bully #2: Well too bad. I'm gonna get you

*Sprinkles then started running away from them as fast as he could screaming for help. But while he was running, he tripped over and sprained his knee*

Sprinkles: Ow. My knee

Dog Bully #1: Ha Ha. We got you now

Sprinkles: No no. Please don't hurt me. No. No

*As the dog bully punched sprinkles, sprinkles jolted awake scared. Thus ending his nightmare*

Blues Room: Sprinkles's Bad DreamWhere stories live. Discover now