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*Blue woke up to hear sounds of sobbing*

Blue: What-Hu-Huh-Wha?

*She turned to her left to see Sprinkles awake crying on his knees*

Blue: Sprinkles?

Sprinkles: Blue?

*Sprinkles then turned to his left to see blue. Which causes him to get off from his bed to hug her and to start crying again thinking about the nightmare he had*

Blue: Sprinkles? What's wrong

Sprinkles: Blue. I had a bad dream. It felt so real

Blue: Aww Sprinkles it's ok. Wanna tell me what happened?

Sprinkles: S-Sure. It was that you sent me back to Puppyville and you told me I was not your brother. And some of the puppies there were gonna beat me up

*Sprinkles started to cry on Blue's stomach causing Blue to rub his back comforting him*

Blue: Sh-Sh. It's ok Sprinkles. I'm right here. Just let it all out

*Sprinkles then started to cry which lasted for about 5 minutes until Blue heard soft sobbing meaning that he was done*

Blue: You ok now?

Sprinkles: Y-Yeah

Blue: It's ok Sprinkles. I will never send you back to where you came from. You're my baby brother. Your home is my home

Sprinkles: Thanks Blue. You're the best big sister ever

*Sprinkles started to feel better after Blue comforted him*

Blue: [yawns] I'm getting sleepy Sprinkles

Sprinkles: [yawns] Me too Blue

Blue: We should probably get back to bed

Sprinkles: Wait Blue. Can I sleep in your bed? Just in case I have another bad dream

Blue: Of course Sprinkles

*Both Blue and Sprinkles got snuggled up in Blue's bed as Blue went to turn out the light*

Blue: Good night Sprinkles

Sprinkles: Good night Blue

*Sprinkles then fell asleep next to blue now knowing that he's Blue brother and that he can call her whenever he's in danger*


Copyright date: 06/27/23

Blues Room: Sprinkles's Bad DreamWhere stories live. Discover now