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There's good in some moments and there's is bad, now what I'm talking about is bad because after our 'moment', is cut short.

I chuckle "What was that for?" I said shyly.

" What?" he said confusedly "I just want to kiss you, you look so pretty today," he said softly.

I giggle "Shut up".

"But it's true, you are so adorable," he said sweetly as I laughed and looked away from him to cover my red face.

"Brett? Omg I thought I recognized a familiar face" a new voice came from behind as we turned around to meet a beautiful girl I instantly recognized as a werewolf.

"Zoe? as in Zoe Greenwood?" Brett said to the girl as he checked her out.

I'm not a jealous person or so I thought but seeing him checking other girls made my emotions go wild. I didn't realize my empath was out as I noticed Brett looking at me weirdly, I needed to get out of there and control whatever I was doing.

"Um, hi I'm Mia" I introduce myself to her seeing as Brett isn't going to.

She studies me before introducing herself "Zoe, Satomi told me that you also could be here with Brett," she said as she touched Brett's arm, I know what she's trying to do so I keep my face unbothered.

I smile at her "yea, um-" I turn my attention at Brett seeing as he studies me "I'm going to the restroom so you guys have fun" I said as I walks away and rolls my eyes in annoyed.

I didn't end up at the restroom at all but the instant I went deep in the woods. I don't care and I don't want to care who he is, she could be one of Satomi's pack or whatever, plus Brett is Brett, he's like everybody and I mean like everybody includes men and women, like you do you king.

This is so annoying. Control yourself, woman.

After a couple of minutes I decide to go back only to see his car is gone, what the heck.

I look around to see a couple of people hanging out, did he leave? what the heck bro, I swear if he- no of course that little sh*t left. No, stop Mia he's probably having a packed emergency or something. Where the hell even am I, honestly this is so annoying I have never been in this place before how the hell is he just left?

I took out my phone and quickly opened maps to show me the way to my home, 1-hour walk, 30 min with cars. What the heck, again this is annoying I never take an Uber before how does it work anyways does uber take cash? because I have no money, I could text Aunt Jenna to transfer some money.

Before I could do that someone spoke behind me "Um- You look lost" the person said.

I turned around and instantly knew he was a werewolf, I rolled my eyes "No, actually, I'm waiting for someone" I told him.

"Who? Brett? That guy just left with a pretty girl" he smirked as he looked at my ups and down "Too bad for him he left a prettier here".

I look around for any sign of familiarity but find none so I look back at the guy maybe a couple of years older than me, and sigh.

"Well, I didn't mind helping a girl in distress," He said again with a smirk.

"Thank you, but no, I didn't even know you and for all, I know you could be a killer," I said. Maybe that is not a good choice of word because if he is a killer gods know what's gonna happen to me.

He chucked lightly "It's Tate Bryant," he said smiley " and if I were going to kill you I don't think Satomi could like that very much, no?" he said more like a statement then a question.

The Myth - Brett TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now