Get your hands off me

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Y/N's P.O.V:
I woke up with another box of chocolate's on my bed "What the f-?" I said quite.

Then Tom woke up and said out of nowhere "no problem.." "huh??" I said, " I put the chocolate on your bed because your still on your uhm week..." he said.

I couldn't help myself, I went up to him and hugged him... then he looked me in the eyes and started to kiss me... " sorry, umm..." he said "it's okay I guess.." I was thinking so much at the moment that I just kissed him back... then I pulled away and... "THE NEWS!" I yelled "I NEED TO SEE THE NEWS!" "Why?" Tom asked "ummm" , "it's my routine so I don't want to ruin my routine..." I lied of course, I needed to see the news because of him...

I think she had seen the news about me to... but I hope she doesn't believe it. Bill had seen it to but I don't know if Nora did to ? "I know why you want to see the news..." I said with a shy smirk. "But you don't believe it right... right???" I said quite scared...

Y/N'S P.O.V:
He knew *f!&k* I thought, " fine I saw it, but I don't know if I believe it..." I said.

"IT'S NOT TRUE!" He said. I didn't know if I should believe him... "How do I know if I can believe you". "Just trust me!" He said. It had to be true because there were photo's of him so I really didn't know... so I just gave in... "fine, I believe you..." I said quite. I could see him turning happy, it was kind of scary actually.


Yes, she believed me. It's so easy to fool people... I'm actually scared, what is she finds out that I lied than she could never trust me again. But it doesn't matter because before she has the chance tell anyone I'd kill her...

Bill finely woke up. "Bill come with me NOW!" I yelled while looking at y/n. I was scared that she thought it was weird that I randomly screamed. Bill looked confused but follows me.

Y/N'S P.O.V:

Why the fuck was Tom screaming, I thought he had nothing to hide. Anyways after 'that' happened I went to Nora. "Y/n why was Tom screaming?" Nora asked. "Like I know that, but there is something that happened... umm, Tom and I kissed like 2 times. Please don't be mad..." I said I was so scared that she would be mad. She took a deep breath and than screamed and started jumping around. "YOU DID WHAT AH IM SO HAPPY, WE COULD DUBBLE DATE WITH THE BROTHERS!" Nora yelled. "Wait you are dating... BILL!" I yelled this  time.

"Not really, but we kissed 6 times." She said. I just laughed. "We will see." I laughed again


Y/N'S P.O.V: 

I'm so happy that camp ended. "Y/n, I got to tell you something..." Nora said with a soft voice. "I know it's late but I saw the news about Tom and I have a question... are you and Tom dating?" She asked. "No, why?" "The news y/n it's bad... keep your distance from him okay?" She asked me with a worried look. "Fine...".

There was a knock on the door. *It's 2 am why is someone at the door?* I thought. Nora was in the kitchen I called her "NORA THERES SOMEONE AT THE DOOR!" "COMING!" She got here and we opened the door there was a tall figure, all in black. He pulled me out of the apartment and closed the door behind him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" I yelled at the figure. He said nothing till we were at a car, he pushed me in the car and drove away. He tied my mouth, I was literally kidnapped in front of my best friends eyes. I was so scared.

I arrived at a dark place I couldn't see anything or anyone. The figure got out of the car and dragged me out. My hands were tied to, I couldn't protect myself.

He picked me up and carried me inside the house. I was starting to freak out. "Mmmmm" I tried to say something but I couldn't. He had all power over me.

When we were in the house, I saw it was decorated. *Why is this dark house decorated* I thought, from the outside it look awful. He carried me to a room that looked like the bedroom. He threw me on the bed. *Am I going to get raped!* I thought while stressing out.

I moved around as much as I could but it didn't help. He got on his knees and tied my feet to. *No, no, no, this can't happen!* I thought. He just left me there on the bed and went downstairs.

I could hear 2 voices, both really dark and low voices. I really paid attention to what they were saying. "You got her?" One said. "Yea I got her, she's upstairs." The other said. "Okay, get yourself ready.".

*Ready for what... oh hell no! He's going to rape me, I swear* I was so stressed out that I started crying. I was trying to get off the bed but the door opened again. 

"Are you ready?" The man said. He puts on the lights, now I could see who it was. "TOM!" I mumbled. "Good guess, yep it's me. Now buckle up!". 


He pulled his pants down and untied my mouth. My legs and hands were still tied. He pulled out a pistol out of his pocket. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING! THIS ISN'T YOU!" I yelled. "Funny, this is how I really am okay, now do as I say or else..." he said. "Or else what?" I said. He putted the gun to my head and said "I think you know what happens...".

He pulled down his boxers. You could see that it was already hard. "Suck." He said. "T-Tom I don't think that this is necessary..." "of course it is, I can't find a girlfriend." He said. "Remember I have a gun, y/n". I just did as he said I didn't wanna die.  


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2024 ⏰

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