CH 14

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Ava completed all her work a bit earlier than usual and went back home. It was around 4 o' clock. Ava has never been to any date before. She was always occupied with either studies or company matters so never really had any time for all of this . It was considered as her very first date. So she wanted to dress up a little. She started going through her wardrobe . Thinking about how a certain 'deep brown eyed man' asked her on a date, a sweet blush appeard on her face.

It wasn't like she was really resisting all these changes happening to her. She didn't particularly disliked him , instead she did have a Lil bit attraction towards Aditya. So she wasn't entirely resisting. It was more like 'let the nature takes it course ' . If they were meant to be then they will get together. If they weren't meant to be then so be it. Although the latter part stung a little but all in all Ava was ready to see how things will turn out. Otherwise she can always reject him 'though she wasn't very sure of it '.

After going through her wardrobe for a while, she finally found an outfit. It was a white tshirt with blue denims and black jeans .It was a casual yet comfortable outfit for her. After wearing that she looked at herself in the mirror and nodded her head appreciating. Although she was slightly chubby, it still looked good on her.

Suddenly her gaze fell on the make up products lying on the dressing table. She wasn't really a big fan of make ups but thinking it was her first date with 'him' she finally made up her mind and put on some . After doing that she again looked at herself in the mirror and thought 'will he like it?' or ' should she wear something more lady like?'  WAIT! why is she thinking like that ? It's not like she cares how he thinks about her, right?! RIGHT!?

After giving herself a lot of assurance that it doesn't matter how he thinks and so on, she took   a deep breath and  checked the time . It was 4.50 P.M.
Suddenly her cellphone rang and Aditya was calling her. She answered it and heard "I'm outside your house. Are you ready yet? I'm sorry I came 10 mins earlier as I couldn't really wait anymore" he said in a hoarse voice.
Listening to him a small blush appeard on the face of her
"Yea-Yeah. I-I'm ready." 

Ava cursed herself after finding herself stuttering. 'what goes wrong with her whenever she hears his voice?'.

Here Aditya was waiting for Ava sitting in his car. He was really excited for today. He was also feeling a little nervous cause it was his very first date too. Initially he was confused to where to take Ava on their first date. So he searched on Google about it. As a result so many locations got recommend but none of them seemed right to him. 

After scrolling through a lot finally a location caught his attention and he decided to go there with her on their first date!

Soon Aditya heard footsteps so he got out of his car to wait for her. The moment his eyes laid on her , he was stunned for a moment.  It was the first time Aditya was seeing her wearing something apart from a long oversized hoodie. She was looking breathtaking with her outfit and a slight make up. Her hairs were left open. She was walking towards him and he kept staring at her not having enough of her. Finally she stood infront of him .

And then...

Hey everyone! The summer vacations have ended and our school has re-opened so I'm off to school to the whole day and there is extra classes also which i have to attend so I was unable to update! I know its a very short update but it's better than nothing right?! Again I'm sorry. But I will try to write more chapters in weekends so it won't be any problem anymore. Thank you for reading.

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