Some scary stories

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Hello there! Are you looking for a reason not to sleep tonight or ever again? Cool-cool-cool same, so let's join spooky hands and run through 17 of the scariest urban legends ever. Let's see...we have a wailing ghost who wanders rivers trying to doom people, a cryptid that feasts on goat blood, an axe murderer who spends his time dressed as a bunny (nope, do not want), and Slender Man—an urban legend so very legendary that people have tried to kill in his name.

Ready? Yeah me neither, but here we go I guess. Also, a word of warning: after reading this list, you will likely assume that every friendly dog who tries to lick your hand is secretly a serial killer trying to murder you. Enjoy the nightmares!

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The hook

Let's kick things off with this total classic, involving a deranged dude with a hook for a hand who goes around attacking couples trying to make out in their cars. Usually, said couples are listening to the radio, and find out that a serial killer has escaped a mental institution RIGHT before getting slashed to death. Oh, and our dude almost always leaves his hook hanging ominously in the car door.

Naale Baa

Naale Baa is an Indian urban legend involving a malevolent spirit dressed as a bride who manipulates people into letting her inside their homes. But once you open the door? You're toast. The only way to deter Naale Baa is to write her name on your door, so excuse me while I go do that real quick, thanks.

Teke Teke

The legend of Teke Teke hails from Japan, and involves the spirit of a young woman who was tragically cut in half during a train accident. Apparently, the top half of Teke Teke's body can be found wandering stations in the evenings—and legend says she'll cut you in half if you run into her. So yeah, something else to worry about next time you're taking the train home!

Rat King

Despite the name, Rat King is not a cute rodent reigning over his whiskered subjects. Rat King is the horrifying name for a phenomenon where rats become tangled together and form a giant super rat. The worst part is, this is a thing that actually happens—so it's less of an urban legend and more of a terrifying glimpse at what's probably going down in the New York City subways.

The Roommate

This is one of those stories that gets passed around from friend to friend and is likely very untrue, but here's the deal. Once upon a time, a college student comes home after a party and sees her roommate lying in bed. No bigs / ordinary, so she goes to sleep. But uh, when she wakes up the next morning, she sees that her roommate's throat has been slit and the words "aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?" are drawn on the wall in blood. Thanks, I hate it!

The vanishing hitchhiker

This one has been around FOREVER thanks to multiple people telling the same story: they pick up a hitchhiker, everything's normal, and then poof! Said hitchhiker vanishes from the car. Guess the consensus is that ghosts are trolling us? Kinda here for it.

The Spider Bite

I honestly don't even know how to describe this one, so I'll just go ahead and say it: The Spider Bite is an urban legend about a, duh, spider bite which swells up and bursts, revealing millions of tiny baby spiders in the wound. I'll give you a moment to collect yourself and/or vomit.

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