Random facts

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the eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain

the dot over the small letter 'i' is called a tittle

Japan has 23 vending machines per person

penguins fly underwater

Minnie Mouse's first name isn't Minnie, it's Minerva

Rudolph the Reindeer is female

april 11, 1954, was recorded as the most boring day in the world

Tiramisu translates to 'take me to heaven' in Italian

buttermilk does not contain any butter

brunch was invented as a way of curing hangovers

the continental plates move at the same rate that fingernails grow

there are fewer stars than there are trees on earth

children are less frequently on Saturdays

75 burgers are sold in McDonald's every second

you are more likely to have a weird or scary dream when sleeping on your stomach

your eyeballs do not grow or change their size as you age

blue-eyed people have a higher alcohol tolerance

a snail has 2500 teeth

pigeons can't fart

Indians read the most in the world

Cap'n crunch was once sued for not using real berries

the most widely printed book is the catalog for IKEA

crocodiles are one of the planet's oldest living creatures

the salty taste of bacon isn't natural

there was a fifth member of the Beatles

Apple once had a clothing line

Scotland has over 400 words to refer to snow

there are more than 200 flavors of Kit Kat in Japan

New Zealand was once auctioned on eBay

There is a city in Oregon called Boring.

Only owning one guinea pig is illegal in Switzerland.

A man in Florida once threw a live alligator through a drive-thru window.

McDonald's once had bubblegum flavored broccoli.

American Airlines saved money by getting rid of olives from their meals.

A janitor invented the flaming hot Cheetos.

Sailors consider black cats good luck.

The story of Beauty and the Beast was aimed to make women open to arranged marriages.

Bottled water has an expiration date.

Many pets from the U.S run away on July 4th.

The world's most successful pirate was a woman.

Some pandas fake a pregnancy to get better healthcare.

Dolphins have names.

Around 30,000 rubber ducks were lost at sea in 1992.

Charles Darwin's pet turtle outlived him.

The folds in a chef's hat represents the number of ways you can cook an egg.

More people speak English as their second language than those who use it as their mother tongue.

Your teeth are unique.

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