Chapter 7: Sorting out the differences

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Kindly do vote and comment. I am sorry for being late. I was caught up with MALEFICENT LOVE which I had to finish somehow. Anyways, please do like and comment.

Recap: When Raghav braught Ishita back home, she revealed him about her feelings and they shared a kiss in the car

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Recap: When Raghav braught Ishita back home, she revealed him about her feelings and they shared a kiss in the car. Then Raghav rejected her which she didn't take well. After coming in her house, she locked her room and attempted suicide. Before doing suicide, she called Raghav and let him know that she was going to end her life because of his rejection. Raghav hurriedly came in their house disregarding all the protests from her family members and guards. Then he along with his parents braught her in hospital.

Here is a recap for you all in case you forgotten about the story.

"What are you doing here?" Ishita's father asked straightforwardly, his lips pressing into a thin line indicating that he was pissed off. Raghav observed his broad shoulders and calm posture towering over him for a couple of inches. He concluded in his mind that this man looked quite intimidating. However, he could care less about him. He was not at all intimidated by his presence. Rather he was perturbed because of him.

"Are you even going to answer me, young man?" Mr. Sinha asked, his tone cold and husky. Raghav looked up to meet with his stormy eyes which were directed at him.

"Oh yes! Last time I checked that I am here because of your daughter,Mr. Sinha. She decided to pull a stupid stunt and I have been obliged to come here. That's all I am doing here." He replied straightforwardly without any hesitation.Mr Sinha looked at the boy skeptically and raised his eyebrow, shocked at his bold attitude.

"Oh! I see you have got big mouth,young man. Well answer me honestly. Who are you and how do you know my daughter?" Raghav decided to answer him honestly without baffling. How much he despised the rich folks, he was still her father and he deserved an explanation. He sighed at the thought.

"I and Ishita our college mates. We go to NIOL." He replied keeping his voice emotionless and straight.

"I understand. What's your name? Who are your parents?" Mr. Sinha asked crossing his hands against his chest. Raghav's fist clenched listening to him asking about his parents.

"I am Raghav. I live with my uncle. He is my legal gurdian if you are so curious to know." He said skipping about his parents.

"And your parents?...

Before he could ask anymore, Raghav showed his palm stopping him in the middle. A long silence prevailed between them as no one of them made any attempt to say anything.

"Are you her friend ?I mean you don't look like someone who can be a friend of her. You are hiding something. Tell me that truth" Mr. Sinha spoke in his usual authorative tone breaking the silence.

"First of all I am not hiding anything.I am saying the truth only. It's you who cannot digest facts.Yes, we are not friends but your daughter has been chasing behind me for the last few days. I simply rejected her because as you said that I don't look like someone who is from your category. I have respected your type and refused her but she is the one who has been persisting on me."

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