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As we walked down the corridors, they began to become unfamiliar when I realised that no one really used this part of the school before, except if there was a need for a spare room.
Turning the sharp corners we came to a large door which lead outside, from where I was standing I could see a semi-circle of a garden, with two benches and a large tree in the middle.

Niall held open the door for me, "through you go" he said, his arm seemed to be straining from holding the heavy door with one hand, so I made sure to rush through.
"Thank you" I said while examining the rest of my view. The garden seemed to get just the right amount of sunlight so it warmed my exposed skin, noticing that sat on the second bench were Louis, Liam, and Harry, I decided to make my way over with Niall in front.
The boys stopped their laughing and joking when they saw me, "why do they look so shocked Niall?" I questioned the boy while moving ever so closer to the others. "They just didn't expect you to agree, don't worry." I noticed an accent come from him that I didn't pick up on before, Irish I think. It was calming.

"Hi Quinn!" Louis says before biting into a sandwich. I replied while taking the empty seat next to him, "hey Louis, hi guys." After taking a short glance at me, Liam said his greetings. "I'm Liam, glad you joined us" he gave a wide grin and then took a sip of his coke. Smiling I turned my head to look at Harry who was across from me. He was giving me the same glance he does in our lessons together. "Harry" a small smile appeared on his face before he looked down and picked at his fries. It was silent for a short while, Louis occasionally muttered things to the others until I spoke up.
"So what do you guys usually do at lunch?" They gave each other a short but knowing glance before Liam replied. "We usually sit here and eat, then we walk around the school." I nodded, "I've never seen you guys at lunch before." Again, they gave each other "the look", but this time it was Harry's turn to speak. "There's a lot of things you don't know about this school. C'mon, follow us."
With that we all rose from our seats, slung our bags on our shoulders and followed harry toward the corridor, dumping the rest of our food in the bin.

I followed the others until Niall hung back and paced next to me. "This corridor seems to be going on forever" I complained, glancing at all the rotting artwork on the walls, the ink was running down the page and the wallpaper was tearing off. Why didn't they knock this section of the school down?
"Well, you know this building was built during World War Two right?" I nodded so he could continue. "Well, while on one of our little adventures, we found a room, after looking around for a while we realised it was an old air raid shelter. It's pretty devastating honestly, there are some old pictures of the children they hid in there." Just as Niall finished his sentence, we stopped outside of an storage cupboard. Assuming there was something inside I continued to watch Liam open the door, and hold it for us all to cramp inside the not so large room.

Louis then opened an unseen door that was hidden behind a rack, he grabbed a flashlight off a near by shelf and with a click, the whole room was illuminated.
Liam closed the first door and Louis walked through next.

Being the last to go down I felt no need to be wary of where I was going, which I took for granted when I failed to see the steps leading downward. Tripping, I stuck out my arms and braced myself for the fall which never came. Someone had there arms wrapped around me and began to place me correctly on my feet. "Be careful." He whispered, with his lips places close to my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
I looked up to see the outline of Harry's face, half hidden by the shadows. He looked like a statue almost, carved to perfection with not one trace of a mistake. He looked at me with dark eyes, before turning and continuing down the steep steps.

conscious -harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now