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Scrolling through the photos that were stored in a drawer my heart began to sink deeper and deeper. They were torn at the edges and moulded away, but the ink was still clear enough to make out an image. In the pictures were children and their teachers, and although these children were in a terrible situation, most had smiles on their faces.
In one photo there were a group of 7 children, all of which were wearing gas masks and holding cards.
While admiring the pictures, a strong figure flew into me and knocked me over. "Fuck I'm so sorry Quinn" I turned around while the person who landed on me crawled up, it's was Louis, his face had turned red. He held out a hand for me to grab.
"It's okay, what happened?" I stood up and brushed the pieces of dirt off my jeans, looking up I saw him glaring at Liam. Crinkling my eyebrows together Louis started speaking, "That son of a bitch.." he pointed at Liam, "pushed me into you."
Looking at Liam, I responded. "thanks Liam, I do enjoy getting thrown to the floor by a teenage boy." He looked apologetic. "I never meant it to hurt you, I'm sorry." I chuckled at his sincereness and accepted his apology.

It was silent for a while in the stuffy room while we all looked around.
"Shit" Niall muttered, getting scared of the sudden screeching bell signalling the end of lunch.
We traced our steps back and making our way to our next class, we all walked together considering we had the same class.
"I'm surprised to see you're still walking with us." A deep voice came from my left, Harry was taking long strides but still managing to stay my pace.
"What?" I was confused as to what he meant, why wouldn't I walk with them.
He furrowed his brows, "You know, we're known as the psychos of this school filled with brain deads. Don't you have a reputation to keep?"
Oh yes, I remember now. "I'm not sure if I really care what they all think, you guys make things seem so real. With them, it's like they're forced to say the things they do. I feel as if I'm the only sane one." He stared at me for a while, concluding things in his head. But before he said anything, I quickly spoke. "And you're not psycho. You're really cool guys." He gave a small smile. "I thought you actually liked them guys, and you're not so bad yourself Quinn." With that I blushed and walked into the classroom.

English, how fun. My seat was In between Louis and my apparent friend Lilly, also one of the brain deads. "I can't believe Mr Andrews made us sit next to these freaks" she said not so quietly, the class snickered at her remark. Liam, who was sat beside her looked over at me with sad eyes.
Her sentence maddened me. "These freaks happen to have been nicer to me then any of you, and I've only hung out with them once. So, when you stop being so controlled, talk to me then." Typically, the class oood while Lilly sat their looking shocked. Acknowledging my rage, she cleared her throat and faced forward, listening to the teacher. I looked at Louis who smiled and nudged my leg under the table. Taking that as his sign of gratefulness, I picked up Romeo and Juliet and caught up with class reading.

When the final bell rang for school I shot up out my seat and rushed out the classroom, not wanting to be caught up with Lilly or her friends. Stepping outside I thought I had finally made it until there was a tap on my shoulder, great. Taking a deep breath I turned around expecting the worst but was relieved when I saw Niall.
He smiled wide at me, "Hey Quinn. Me and the others were wondering, do you want to come over to Louis house later? Because it's a Friday we're all sleeping over, and we were wondering if you just wanted to come hang out for a bit?" I looked behind him to see the others looking hopeful.
"Sure why not, I'll give you my number and you can text me Louis address."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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