Chapter three: Major Problem (idk when its gonna be a diff POV)

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After a few minutes of driving and Ronald acting like a child asking when we're going to be there the whole ride, no wonder his food sucks, we finally made it with Wendy's sanity intact, I think. We all get out of Wendy's car and walk inside, the place is nice for a café I've never been to. "Hey Wendy! When are we getting a table!?" Ronald yells at Wendy who's getting some things from her car, "CAN YOU LIKE WAIT YOU TODDLER!!" Wendy yells at Ronald, I will admit he was being annoying. I sit there watching this unfold before King taps on my shoulder, "Hey Jack?" "Yea?" "Isn't that Cricket?" King says pointing to a table booth in the corner, I see Cricket sitting there... with another guy. I stare in disbelief. Wendy finally comes into the cafè, "Wendy... we gotta go." I say to her "wha... why-" "NOW" I drag Wendy and the others out of the cafè, but right before I drag them out completely I see Cricket turn around and spot me. I take that as a note to rush them out faster. "Jack! What was that about?!" Wendy says to me, "I'll explain later just drive idiot!" I say angerly at Wendy. Wendy, worried, drives off while I explain what happened. "Sorry Jack for pointing that out." King says to me after I finish explaining, "no its fine, if anything I'm glad at this point." I say to King. "Hey omega." I say getting his attention "hm?" He looks at me, I get a little flustered seeing him, "what do you think abt us going to your place for lunch!" I say smiling.

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