Twenty Six

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**2 months later**

James and I stroll into school, 15 minutes early as Zoe and Alfie had an early meeting and we couldn't get to school in another way, so this is what we opted for...

I say see you later to James as he goes to his locker to meet his friends and I have to go to my locker to meet my friends...

I hang my mouth open in shock when I see someone standing there, Lauren. Why is she here? I slowly walk up to her, scared to even go close but I have too.

"So Lauren, haven't seen you in a while" I try to start a convocation "Do you want to break my nose or arm today?"

Laurens stays quite, looking quite guilty and I can't help but wonder why, to be fair over the past two months she hasn't done anything except calling me a few names here and there but other than that, nothing at all has happened. So that's why I am surprised to see her here.

"You can't tell me to get away from James because he is technically my brother now..." I sneer

"I'm sorry" She blurts out, finally looking at me and I look at her with confusion obviously written all over my face "I'm sorry..." She repeats, more quietly this time though.

I stare at her blankly for a few minutes and she is about to walk away, when I sigh grabbing her arm and pulling her back towards me.

"For what exactly?" I ask her in disbelief

"For everything..." She confesses and I release her arm "I judged you so quickly and I didn't know why, I was jealous and I realise now it was wrong, you've been through enough and I just had to be a bitch and mess it all up.

I'm sorry Catherine for making fun of Zoe and Alfie and you being in an adoption centre, I was jealous your new parents are Zoe and Alfie, my little sister Izzy is in an adoption centre, I got picked one day and she didn't, I know she is still in there because I check every two weeks and I miss her so much and when I found out Zoe and Alfie adopted I wished it was her and when I found it wasn't her, I was angry... I saw you come in one day and I just snapped at you...

I'm sorry for telling you to stay away from James even though I knew you didn't want anything more with him, just to be best friends with you, I think you are perfect so I didn't have anything mean to say about you, so I just used James and I let my popularity get ahead of me and I hurt you" A single tear falls down her, make up caked face.  "I'm so sorry, I'm pathetic and that song you sang about me, it's all true..." She cries out and I don't know why, but I hug her, I hug her tightly and allow her to sob on my shoulder, forget the makeup, I will wear a jacket and I'm sure she has loads in her massive hand bag.

"I know you don't want to be my friends, and I'm not asking that either, I just want you to forgive me... Please"

I think about it for a little bit, still holding her in my arms

"Forgive and forget right?" I give her a small smile and she sniffs, nodding while showing me and ear to ear grin

"Thank you so much Catherine!" She squeals

"No problem, now I have to get to class" I say, grabbing a packet of small tissues and handing it to her, Lauren nods and gasps at my jumper and I shrug "It's okay" I dab the tissue on it and most of it comes off, and Lauren smiles, she grabs a mirror out of her bag and re-fills her makeup, actually putting on less, I feel a little proud of her actually.

"We have the same lesson, walk together?" She asks me, holding her arm out to me

I look around and can't see any of my four friends, so I nod and link arms with her and make our way to class

A/N -

More of filler chapter sorry guys!

Questions – How do you think of Cat' forgiving Lauren!? J ;)

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