internally crying

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So I tried to shift last night using alunir's guided intention meditation. I would have gotten close, except my nose itched a ton, and I couldn't let it be, so I itched it. It was the kind of itch you got when someone tickled your nose with a feather, so someone was probably tickling my nose with a feather. I'll try again when I get home, or when I have free time.

Okay so it's been about 3 hours since I got home. Haven't tried shifting yet, just been listening to a really powerful sub, and every time I stand up, I get dizzy, my head hurts a lot more, and I feel like falling over. I'm also very tired, and my body feels incredibly heavy but also completely weightless if that makes sense. Gonna try in a bit.

I tried twice. First time I felt like I was being shaken, or my heart was beating really fast, idk, and then I snapped out of my trance-like state. Second, my brother kept yelling, so that snapped me outta my state. Gonna listen to some more subs for a bit, and try again later. Oh I was also twitching a tiny bit.

I feel like falling asleep, I am so incredibly tired, but I still have the rest of my day to deal with, so I can't fall asleep yet. It's also a side effect of the sub that I've been listening to since I got home. It works so well, it's also been making my body twitch every now and again, and my body feels like it's here, but not here, and I feel like I'm being pulled down, but also that I'm floating up, it's so weird but so cool at the same time.

Started listening to another sub. Currently having a splitting headache, visions a bit blurrier than normal, dizzy, lightheaded, floaty, also feeling a lot less attached to this reality. Is any of this gonna stop me from torturing myself more? Absolutely not. But I am also still very tired.

My head hurts so much, but the rest of my body feels light. Gonna try to shift again, I'll update if I was successful tomorrow. wml.

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