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Those frightening evil demonic creatures who won't let you sleep at night. Who haunt your dreams, turning them into spine-chilling nightmares. Who torment you in the broad daylight , following you around like a shadow. Who traumatize you to the point that your soul shivers at the mere mention of their names.

Their touch,

Their presence,

Their voice,

Everything about them agonizes you. You loathe them. You want them to leave you alone, but they just won't go away. They get a sadistic pleasure seeing you whimpering in pain and anguish, knowing the fact that there is nothing you can do to stop them. There is no one who would stop them.

Yes, they are Sadists. Vicious savages.

And that's what he is for me.

A monster.

He was supposed to be my biggest supporter. He was supposed to be my role model. He was supposed to protect me.

We shared blood after all.
We were family after all.

But who knew, 
My protector would become my tormentor, and I would become his prey for he became my predator.


TW: Implied SA

"Goosey, goosey gander,"

And there it was. 

The voice that I hated the most. 

The voice of my tormentor. 

Pulling my knees to my chest I wrapped my little arms around myself, curling into a ball, backing away further under my bed where I was hiding.

Although I knew he would find me soon. He always does.

"Where shall I wander?"

I could see his tall legs. He was so tall, just like a monster and he was standing right infront of my bed.

My body started shaking. I was cold, so cold but I was sweating. I couldn't breathe. I wanted to breathe. Why couldn't I breathe? My heartbeat so loud, I could hear it. I just prayed he wouldn't. 

A prayer that wasn't heard.

"Up stairs, down stairs,"

I hated it. I hated being so weak. I hated that I was scared, so scared. I hated that no one believed me.

My own parents didn't believe me. 
Didn't believe their 8 year old child. 

I hated myself and I hated what I knew was going to happen. It was inevitable.

And just when I was starting to lose hope once again, he turned. He turned away. Towards the door. Maybe he believed that I wasn't here? Maybe he was going to leave? Maybe I wouldn't have to go through that torture tonight?

Yes. Atleast God heard my prayers for once.

Oh, how wrong I was.

I could sleep peacefully tonight. No pain.

He started walking towards the door. 
I heaved a sigh of relief. I shouldn't have.

I relaxed thinking he went away. I closed my eyes to take a deep breath. I could finally breathe now that he wasn't here.

And I made a mistake. 

I opened my eyes. And there he was. Bent down. Looking right at me. Smiling. A smile that had me trembling and gasping for air.

No. No. No. Not again.

"And in my baby's chambers"

He finished singing the rhyme. And laughed. A laugh that had me stop breathing altogether.

"Finally! I found you. How many times do I have to tell you not to hide from me, hm? You deserve a punishment don't you think?"

He held my tiny leg in his big hand, his grip bruising, and pulled me out from under the bed. My head hit the foot of the bed and I knew it was going to hurt for many days to come. But that's not what I was scared about.

I was scared, terrified, of what he was going to do to me. Once again.

And he did exactly that. Once again.

He ignored my cries, my pleadings. Once again.

My prayers were unanswered. Once again.

But something was different this time.


And I swore to myself. 

This monster and all those who believed this monster over me. 

I would ruin them. Just like they did to me.

I would destroy them. Just like they did to me.

I would ignore their screams for mercy. Just like they did to me.

There was no God who would descend heaven to come help me.
I have to be my own God. And I would. I promised myself I would.

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