Rudransh Singh Rathore

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In the middle of nowhere, surrounded by tall trees from all sides, completely isolated from the hum-drum of the city, a medium sized dark ominous building could be observed.

For a normal person, it may seem like an abandoned farm house but for those who are familiar, they know how heavily guarded and secure this place is.

Those who work here, work like venomous snakes. Deadly and Silent. Only loyal to one person. The one they owe their lives to.

No sign of life could be seen for miles. No animals. Not even a single bird. Anyone who tries to trespass is immediately taken into custody and most probably killed. No one is allowed within a 5km radius without permission from the king.

The place seems as silent as the dead from the outside, but on the inside…

The moment you step inside, you hear the blood-curdling screams of the prisoners getting tortured for the littlest of crimes that were too grave for the king; you smell the sickening smell of blood, dead bodies, decaying organs and rotten flesh; the moment you step inside the cells you see the repulsive sight of corpses ripped apart as if paper, their organs scattered on the ground as if a kid's toys, blood flowing out of the carcass as if water.

Apart from the cells, the entire building so immaculately clean, one could not observe a single speck of dust on the walls, the marble floors more reflective than a mirror.
Prim and proper. Perfectly perfect. Just the way he liked.

Numerous armed men and women dressed in impeccable uniforms going about their business, acting deaf to the loud howls of pain, could be seen. Trying to complete their assigned task with as much precision as possible so as to not disappoint the king and end up in one of the cells is the only thought on their minds.

This was just one of the many warehouses of the king.

A place no one would want to visit. Especially the cells. No one comes out of there. At least not alive and sane.


Rudransh's pov

"Come in" I ordered after I heard the knock on the door of my office. My attention still on the documents I was to sign.

"Hukum, we have the man in the warehouse." Samar, my second in command, informed me. I finally looked up with a smirk on my face and leaned back in my chair, tapping my rings clad fingers on my desk.

"No one touches him before me. He's my prey" I said with a cold voice and a hardened look on my face remembering what he did to be there in the first place.

That piece of shit had the balls to stalk my baby. God knows what his plan was but had he touched even a single strand of hair on her head, I would've burnt his entire family alive right in front of his eyes. Bastard.

Not that I'm going to spare him now. Just the thought of what I'm going to do to him had my hands itching. He has no idea what's about to hit him.

I stood up, ruffling my hair a bit before taking off my tie. I undid the top two buttons of my black shirt, rolling up the sleeves upto my elbows. I slid my hands into the pockets of my black trousers and walked to the wall-to-floor glass window behind my desk. Noticing how small everything and everyone looked from up here. So tiny, so negligible. So beneath me.

 So beneath me

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