Chapter Ten

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As evening drew closer, I dreaded more and more having to go back to the Slytherin dorms, wandering the emptiest corridors I could find throughout the castle and supper starting, I wandered the emptying corridors, then decided to go to the astronomy tower to be alone knowing that Filtch doesn't go up there without suspicion as it takes too much effort.

I limp up the stairs finding it hard on my leg from when Pansy kicked me earlier today. Knowing that is a long trek up the many, many stairs is daunting, however knowing the peace up there, keeps me going. After finally reaching the end of the infinite amount of stairs, I finally reach the top, out of breath but relieved that it's done.

I wanted to get a good view of the evening sun from up here, which I'd never seen before as I used to spend all my time in the dungeons, I stare at the view which takes my breath away.

I step back and sit on the ledge near the bannister, still giving me a decent look at the setting sun. I look around in my contented lonesome and see glass reflecting me roughly back off of it. With the almost completely set sun behind me, I walk towards the window to get a better look at myself since its been weeks since I've last looked.

A depressed feeling once again engulfs me as I see myself, looking almost dead and dull all over and topping it off the bruised head and scraped chin from the incident earlier today. I fell back into my seat, with my head hanging, feeling defeated all over again, the tears in my eyes threatening to fall and the nauseous feeling that comes with upset enveloping me.

With the sun completely set and just the moonlight lighting up the room, I hear footsteps approaching, knowing I had no chance to hide, I turned to look at the top of the stairs to see black messy hair coming over the ledge, it was Potter.

I relax slightly knowing that it is not a Professor, however, my mind is still conflicted on Potters intentions, being more certain of the fact that he still may tell on me and expose the monster that I am. However because at least for now, there was no immediate threat so I turned back to my previous position, once again hanging my head.

"What is it Potter?" I mumbled.

"I wanted to see you, to see how you were doing?" He replied with a gentle tone.

"It's fine, it doesn't matter."

"What happened to your face?" Potter questioned.

"I fell," I responded simply.

"Your hands?"

"Nothing.""Malfoy, something is going on with you and I'm not leaving until I find out for sure what it is," Potter said in a more firm tone. I however stayed silent, he continued "you know how about you don't even have to tell me but just come with me and I'm sure Professor Dumbledore will understand."

"NO HE WON'T," I shouted, looking up at him for the first time and started to panic, the tears in my eyes started to fall as I continued, "Please Potter, please don't tell anyone, you can't no one will understand."

"Alright," he interrupted me, stopping me from spiralling, he made his way towards me, sitting down next to me. "But please tell me what you are, I swear I won't tell anyone, I just want to know what is going on with you, I can help."

I sighed, knowing that he's already seen too much, not really having a choice on the matter anymore, "Ok, I'll tell you," I said with a defeated tone in my voice.

"Towards the end of the summer, something happened," a silent pause enveloped the room, and him sitting next to me letting me take my time, patiently waiting for me to continue. "I haven't told anyone about it," I said twiddling with my fingers, looking up to Potter at the end. He just nodded, understandably waiting for me to proceed. "Something was chasing me, hunting me down," I took a deep breath, "all I could do was run, run as fast as I could, not dearing to look back," my voice broke, "but the beast didn't give up and just when I had thought that I had escaped it struck." I didn't dare look up at Potter, I could see just by his balled up fists he was tensing up at the story. I could no longer resist and the tears just fell, "It was the worst pain I had ever felt up until then, there was no way of escaping, it felt like eternity until I lost consciousness and now there is a constant aginy enveloping my body and now I have to resist and control myself everyday no matter how exhausted I feel, nowhere to go, ostricied by my peers, dreading everyday that someone would get hurt because of me and everyone will find out about the monster that I have become."

"Malfoy, I had no idea what you were going through, and I swear I won't tell anyone, what is this monster you keep talking about?" He said after a short silence in a low toned calm, reassuring voice.

I answered him stammering, struggling to find the words, "It-it's th- the m- monster th- that attac- attacked me that n- night a- and what he tu- turned me into. I-I am a vam- vampire." I couldn't help it, it was the first time I had actually told someone, I completely covered my face in my hands, the small sting from the salt in my tears soaking through the bandages, stinging the still fresh wounds on my hands from only a few days prior.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked at the slight tanned hand and followed my gaise up until I made eye contact with the green eyes looking at mine with sympathy.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked confused, through the sobs.

"Because it seemed like you needed a friend," he said delicately, before sticking his hand out and continued this time slightly more formal and imitating the posh squeaky tone I had in my voice when we first met, "and I can help you there."

I let out a slight chuckle at this reference he had made, I slowly took my hand to his before he grabbed it and shook.


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