Chapter One - Sentience without life.

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Trigger warning: mentions of murder.

Mephone4 didn't like his assistant.

He was loud, stupid, and far to energetic for his liking. He always messed everything up.

His other assistant was far better.

He was calm, quiet, and great at deescalating situations. He always did everything perfectly.

If he had to choose one to go, it'd probably be his first assistant. Then again...

His assistants where best friends, he didn't understand how, they where polar opposites. How someone could make friends with anyone so different from them was a mystery to him.

In fact he didn't even think the useless one was qualified to be in charge of people, considering he's not trained for any medical emergencies.

Mephone4 didn't enjoy seeing others injured. Blood made him sick, and the texture of skin left an uneasy feeling in his metallic fingers. But he also wanted to know more.

Organic life forms. Humans. Science says you need a brain to live. A pathetic sack of meat that sat in the skull of a human. Mephone4 did not have a real brain, but he was alive.

...Alive in the sense that he can function. He didn't really feel alive. After all, he had very limited emotions due to his outdated tech. Luckily, he could mimic human behaviour almost perfectly... Almost.

Contestants seemed ignorant towards his occasional misspellings, missing social cues, and all of the such, knowing it was just how he was. Outsiders who hadn't watched the show might even assume he was actually alive if it wasn't for the metallic plates, screen for a face and ball joints.

Mephone4 wanted to be alive. The contestants looked happy, so happy. He couldn't hurt a contestant, he couldn't take away their happiness.

He would have to find a human that nobody would miss... like his good for nothing assistant. While his brother would miss him, he's a robot, so his feelings don't matter.

Mephone4 always knew that humans where much more important than robots. They where the talented, they where more complex, more alive. Without humans he wouldn't exist. If he was a human...

He'd finally be alive.

Being smart enough to know your not alive but not being able to do anything about it always bugged him. If he wasn't sentient, he wouldn't care he was a robot. But his self awareness coupled with his cold, artificial brain just made him feel existential.

Mephone4, he'd be the first robot to feel real, human emotions. Nothing artificial. He'd feel real pain, with real nerves. He'd feel real.

And he'd do that by getting himself a human body.

[Word count: 432]

New fanfic lets goooooo!!! Uh yeah updates will be slow and the chapters might be short due to writer block, sorry! This is inspired by a few other fics (foggy mind/thinking skills/paint cans)!!! Anyway I'll start working on chapter 2 ASAP.

Also, sorry for the slow updates on two childish flowers! I'm currently dealing with a bunch of stuff (schools, mental health, incident reports, the law apparently??? As well as having no clue how to progress the story) which makes it difficult to write, but i promise i'll try to update it soon!

Bye bye ::::3

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