Chapter Two - Finally useful

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Trigger warning: severe gore, violence, manipulation/psychological abuse, all that jazz

Mepad and Toilet sat across from eachother, Toilet picking at grass while Mepad explained a challenge idea he'd had a while ago. Birds chirping and rustling leaves surrounded them and they chattered.

That was, until Mepad heard a soft "ding". Mephone had messaged, unfortunately something was wrong and he needed assistance. Mepad glanced at Toilet, who seemed somewhat upset that Mepad was leaving the conversation.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon!" He assured him. "Okay! Cya Mepad! I luv ya!"

A purple glow filled the area as Mepad teleported away, leaving the blonde alone in the woods.

He hummed a quiet tune to himself while plucking at the grass, oblivious to the sound of footsteps and Mephone shoved past a large branch and tapped Toilet on the shoulder.

"AH! Oh, hello Mista Phone!" He chirped, before frowning and looking back at where Mepad had previously been. "Wait— wasn't Mepad meant to be helpin' ya?"

Mephone4 shrugged. "Nah, I just lied because I needed to talk to you alone, hope that's ok."

Toilet was confused, usually Mephone didn't even want to be near him, let alone talk to him in private, surely this must be important. He got to his feet, looking up at the slightly taller figure.

He seemed off... more than usual, as if he wasn't trying as hard to mimic a human, his voice was less expressive and his body seemed less animated. But Toilet didn't care, it was his job to help Mephone4 after all.

"I need you to come with me." He stated blankly, reaching out and placing his metallic hand around Toilets arm. Before he could object, he was being dragged through the forest, further away from the contestant grounds.

"So, wadaya need help with?" Toilet asked, his tone cheerful despite the odd circumstances. "You'll figure it out when we get there."

The silence was deafening, as if all the birds had dropped dead out of the trees and the wind had slowed to a halt. The only sound was their footsteps, as they reached a small, worn down metal shed.

The outside walls were made of rusty metal sheets and there was a broken in door. The grass in the area was overgrown, going up to the two peoples knees.

"M– Mista Phone..? This is kinda weird." Toilet murmured, glancing at the others expressionless face. "I know, don't worry about it, I just need help with some of the stuff in here." He replied calmly.

He lead him inside the shed, it wasn't more than a meter big with a dirt floor and a wooden trapdoor in the corner. Mephone4 opened the trap door and gestured for Toilet to enter.

Toilet felt the hair on his neck stand and his palms begin to sweat, part of him wanted to scream for help and run away, but another part of him trusted Mephone4. "Are ya sure it's safe down there?" He asked, mostly as a precaution. "Yeah, I've been in there before."


Toilet lowered himself into the trapdoor, down an old, rusty ladder. There was a basement, the walls and floor made of concrete. The only things in the room where a shelf and an old, dull lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.

He stepped away from the ladder as Mephone entered behind him. "Uh, there isn't anything here Mista Phone." Toilet observed, eyes darting around the room, spotting a few dead rodents in a corner, all had seemingly fallen into the basement and starved to death since they where unable to get out.

"I never thought it'd be so easy." Mephone walked to the shelf, his voice cracking. "Wha..."

"I can't believe you're considered a higher life form." He hissed, reaching up to the top shelf and heaving something heavy that Toilet couldn't see off it.

"What am I." He said.

"Mista Phone?" Toilet stammered, pushing his back against the concrete wall, eyes darting between the taller android and the ladder to the exit.

"What. Am I." He demanded, facing away from the smaller figure. His voice sounded like some sort of broken AI, struggling to understand language.

"You're... a robot? Mista Phone, is there something wrong?" Toilet felt beads of sweat roll down his face, Mephone4's entire body shook, as if he was about to explode.

He turned around, eyes wide with a look of pure terror, a chainsaw in his hands. His cold eyes burned into Toilets brain, he seemed to be so full of emotion yet so devoid of it at the same time. And when he next spoke, his mouth didn't move.

"I want to be human."

He revved the chainsaw to a start, it's engine blaring in Toilets ears as he approached him, raising the spinning blades.

"Misa Phone!" Toilet yelped, watching the saw go past his head and hit his arm. He realised what had happened before the pain hit, and he screamed. A raw, bloodcurdling scream.

The blades tore through his sleeve, ripping the white fabric and staining it red, the saw effortlessly tore his skin, digging into his muscles as chunks flew everywhere. The pain was so intense Toilet couldn't think, he couldn't hear his thoughts over his own cries.

He wasn't pleading for help, but for mercy, for just a moment he made eye contact with the perpetrator, only to find him almost completely expressionless besides a small hint of pity in his eyes.

It felt like hours but only took a minute before Mephone4 pulled the chainsaw away and the engine stopped.

"You're still conscious?" He sounded impressed, watching Toilet reach to where his arm used to be.

Pained whimpers and sobs filled the room as Mephone4 generated what seemed to be bandages. He knelt down next to the blood covered human and began wrapping up what was left of his arm. The second he bandage touched the injury Toilet screamed, writhing in pain trying to get away.

"Shhhhh," Mephone soothed, "you're ok, I'm helping you."

"You cut my arm off!" Toilet wailed, inhaling sharply as Mephone4 continued to bandage him. "You tricked me!"

"I'm sorry, but see? I'm bandaging you up, I'm fixing this." Mephones voice was soft, almost like a father. Maybe it was due to shock or blood loss but Toilet seemed almost comforted by his presence. "I promise I didn't want to hurt you, but I couldn't help it."

"Okay..." Toilet muttered in response, using his remaining hand to wipe the blood from his face.

"See! This is good! You're finally useful!" Mephone4 smiled, picking up the severed arm and placing it in a box. "I need to go, but you have to stay down here, alright?"

"Mhm" Toilet hummed, his unfocused eyes fixed on the light hanging from the ceiling. Mephone4 grabbed the box and brought it with him, climbing up the ladder and out of the concrete room, shutting the trapdoor behind him.

(1157 WORDS BAYBeeeeeeeeee)

(please remember mephone4 is the antagonist here, i am intentionally making him manipulative, please please please do not assume that i agree with and/or condone anything he's saying/doing because I DO NOT, anyway i hope u enjoyed! also i gave it a new cover ::::3)

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