Chapter 4 - An uninvited guest

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tw: violence/gore, death, implied cannibalism

Mephone4 pushed his navy blue hair from his eyes, putting his weight on the bedroom door to open it. Mepad wasn't downstairs, and he never slept in, so it was safe to assume he was outside.

Mephone hopped down the stairs, listening to them creek under his weight. He wandered past the couch and opened the front door, stepping outside. Clouds draped the sky, but Mephone had to check on Toilet.


Speak of the devil. Mepad seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "Toilet didn't come back to the cabin last night, he must be lost." The taller android seemed worried about his partner, which almost made Mephone guilty.

"I'm sure he's fine." He shrugged, stepping off the front porch and onto the grass. "Whatever you say." Mepad sighed. Mephone treaded off towards the woods as his brother went back inside, probably to think.

He wandered along the path, deeper into the woods. Mephone4 silently hoped his human assistant hadn't died while he was gone. That would make things significantly more difficult.

He reached a clearing and swerved off the path, feeling plants brushing against him as he walked. And walked.

There was a point at which the forest seemed untouched, tree branches twisting together and grass that hugged Mephones legs. Before he knew it, he was standing directly in front if the rusty shed. He paused, concentrating on generated an apron, it would keep the blood off his clothes.

With a flash, the apron was in his hands, he pulled it over himself, not bothering to tie the back.

The shed door creaked open revealing the dirt floor along with the wooden trapdoor. Mephone4 knelt down, grabbing the hatch and pulling it up, before it slipped from his hand and landed back down with a loud clatter.

Besides the sound of the trapdoor shutting, Mephone also heard a loud thud from outside the shed, along with what sounded like a human. He was being watched.

"Hello?" He shouted, to no answer. He got to his feet and hurried out of the shed, seeing a spot where the tall grass seemed disturbed. The android took slow, cautious steps, incase it was a rabid animal that would alert others of his location.

Yet when he peaked over the folded grass, he didn't see a wild animal at all. Mephone made eye contact with the woman, who chuckled awkwardly and waved. "Mephone! Long time no see!"

"What the hell are you doing here Taco?" He scowled, stepping backwards to let her stand up. "Well, you see— I've been living in the woods ever since season one ended, and last night I heard some odd noises coming from that shed." Taco explained, brushing herself off. "I had no clue that was you!"

Mephone sighed, once again Taco had become a thorn in his side. "Here, I can show you what's in there if you want."

He smiled calmly, but Taco seemed doubtful. "Erm– no, thank you." Mephone4 grabbed her hand, grinning. "Oh no, seriously I'm sure you'll love it!"

She tried to pull away, but his cold, metal hand had secured itself firmly around her wrist, keeping her trapped. Taco raised her free hand to pull him away, but in a blink he'd grabbed her other wrist as well. Sweat beaded down her face, realising both her hands where trapped.

The smaller woman hissed in annoyance, she'd definitely be able to hold her own in a fight against Mephone anyway, if she could just get her hands free. "Fine."

"Wonderful! Come with me!" The host purred, gently kicking opening the shed door and dragging Taco inside. He let go of one of her arms and knelt down, pulling open a trap door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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