Chapter 3 - Night lights

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Mephone4 shoved open the cabin door, stepping inside to spot Mepad reading some kind of obscure sci-fi book on the couch. Mephone had left his bloodied clothes at the shed and generated new ones for the walk back, his navy blue hair had small crimson specks but they where barely visible in the dark.

"Hello Sir! Why weren't at the location you said you'd be in the message?"

Despite the seemingly interrogative nature of the question, Mepads voice was as calm as ever. "I got a little distracted, wandered off and got lost." He lied, grabbing the railing and pulling himself up the stairs.

"Have you seen Toilet?" Mephone4 froze halfway up the stairs, feeling a chill run down his metallic spine. "No, why?" "Well I haven't seen him since two in the afternoon, and I'm sure he wouldn't just leave without telling me."

Mepad used his foot to sloppily turn the page, not looking up from his book as Mephone4 replied. "Well, you know him, probably saw a squirrel or something and ran off."

Mepad hummed a response as Mephone4 continued up the stairs, the silence being broken only by the creaking of wood. He reached the top of the staircase and opened the door to his room, entering and then almost slamming it shut.

"Fuck." He hissed under his breath, leaning up against the door and sliding down to the floor.

His room was dark, save for a collection of small, floating orbs he used to illuminate the messy space. Their blue glow reflected off Mephones metallic skin, a mocking reminder.

He placed a hand on the wall and pulled himself to his feet, grabbing an orb and throwing it against the wall. It landed on the ground with a clatter, rolling to a stop at Mephones feet.

He kicked it to the side and flopped face first onto his bed.

"I'm not in the wrong here," he said to himself, "all this was programmed."

Right, he wasn't making these choices, he was just doing what his code said, if anything this was his creators doing.

But soon he'd be human, and his choices wouldn't be programmed, his emotions, his actions, all of them would be real. He needed everything necessary to do that though, and luckily, he had a whole human to work with.

Mephone rolled onto his back, staring at the wooden ceiling. Shadows danced around his vision, the AI in his mind trying to make sense of it. Even though there was nothing to make sense of.

What he... no, what THEY all did played in his head on loop. Red splatters, the chainsaw's engine screeching, the screams. It couldn't of been that bad, if someone like Mepad was fine without arms, why would anyone else not be?

Unless he still doesn't know everything about humans, but of course he wouldn't, humans are a pit of never ending questions after all.

Mephone4 pushed down the guilt, maybe he'd have to reprogram himself into not feeling any until this project was completed. He had no reason to feel bad, he was nice, and Toilet didn't seem too bothered.

He was low on battery, shutting his eyes to block out the dim lights.

Mephone was sure it would all be ok.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter!! Next one will have more I promise :3

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