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Kie: "Tanjiro" the pale woman called out the name Tanjiro and walked out of her home she had light purple eyes and white clothes. "Your face is all covered in soot, Let me clean you up." She said with a soft gentle voice as she walked closer to Tanjiro with a basket on his back full of charcoal. She began to wipe off all the soot on his face. "You know, you really don't have to go." She said with much care and concern in her voice. "All this snow could be dangerous."

Tanjiro: "I want us to have a good new year's celebration. where everyone can eat as much as they want, so I'll sell all the charcoal I can."

Kie: "Please...Tanjiro it's snowing right now and it will get worse I-" Tanjiro's mother was cut off when two young children ran up and asked if Tanjiro was going to town today and if they could join him on the trip.

Tanjiro sighed softly and said to the two young small children "I am-" he looked at his mother and saw she had a darker shade of eyes filled with sadness from what he said. "I am...not going today I am staying home" he saw his mother's face light up with relief. Tanjiro knew how much his mother cared for him deeply.

-time skip to when Muzan is coming-

Muzan walked into the dark comfy home he crept in not making a sound the moon was out and the sky was purple and black. It was a calm peaceful night...but not for long.

When Muzan went into a dark room there was 1 female adult, and 2 small children.

He started to inject blood into a small young boy he looked to be the age of 3 he had short black hair and dark red eyes and he was wearing a blue kimono that would soon be stained blood red.

The little boy started squirming and had blood curdling screams and this caused the two other people in the room to wake up almost immediately. When the little child saw what was going on they began to cry and scream then crawled behind his mother.

His mother began to cry and she found herself frozen in fear but not for long because the tall slim man dropped the kid and Kie grabbed the limp toddler and pulled him close to her body while she swiftly went back to her other kid that was behind her hugging her back.

4 kids ran into their mothers room and when they saw what happened all their faces were struck pale with fear and confusion.

The oldest kid of them all started to charge forward to Muzan but he did not let this slide he quickly avoided the boys attack with ease and Muzan began to inject blood into the oldest boy his body fell limp onto the ground.

He did this process to the rest of them the last one he injected was a girl around the same age of the eldest boy she tried to run out of the house while holding a toddler she did not make it and faced the same fate as the others.

Tanjiro began to open his eyes and Muzan noticed that, Muzan quickly turned to the boy on the floor he looked down at him with sparkles in his eyes Muzan grinned sinisterly and ordered him to tell him what his name is.

"Tanjiro Kamado" they boy said obediently he got up to his knees and bowed his head down to his lord.

Tanjiro was under Muzans curse from being injected with his blood. Tanjiro had lost all his memorys and the only thing he knows how to do now is obey Muzans orders.

Muzan: "eat all the humans now." He said grinning ear to ear he showed no mercy. He was a bit curious if Tanjiro could handle even more of his blood if Tanjiro could he would get a huge power boost.

Tanjiro: "yes lord Muzan." Tanjiro said obediently and began to stand up and walk over to his dead mother. He crouched down and began eating his mother, little brothers, and little sister When he was done with them he went outside to eat his sister Nezuko. But then he saw her body twitch she was still alive and Tanjiro told Muzan this.

Muzan: He walked over and saw that the girl was still alive he looked down at her with disgust she would be useless to him because Tanjiro already ate all the other bodies and she took a much longer time to wake up. Muzan saw her as weak and pathetic. "Eat her" he ordered Tanjiro coldy to eat Nezuko alive and Tanjiro did just that.

After Tanjiro finished eating everything fast footsteps could be heard Tanjiro and Muzan turned around quickly to see a tall male with black spikey hair, dark blue eyes, and he was wearing the demon slayer corps outfit.

Muzan quickly started to fight Giyuu, Muzan grinned in enjoyment because after he killed this male he could give it to Tanjiro making him stronger.

Just after Muzans first attack Giyuu went to go slice his head but Muzan lured him in a trap then Muzan had killed Giyuu in one swing swiping Giyuu's head of. He then ordered Tanjiro to come eat his body. Tanjiro immediately started to eat the body getting even more stronger from this feast.

Muzan noticed that this demon slayer was the hashira of water this intrigued him even more Tanjiro would get even more stronger from eating this hashira.

A/n: this was a short chapter and the rest of the chapters will most likely be short like this one but I hoped you enjoyed this 😁 I felt so bad for Giyuu, Nezuko, and Tanjiro's family while I was writing that 😭 I hope you enjoyed the picture also I thought it looked good when I was editing it :>

Words: 1004

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