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Giyuu: I was running towards a very strong demon's presence the strongest I have ever come across. If there are people nearby I am not sure if I can save them...

I came across a wooden house full of blood inside and two demons outside talking. My heart started to skip a beat when I saw that one of them was Muzan. Who was the second one...it doesn't matter all I need to do is try my best to kill Muzan...I can't beat him by myself this is a suicide mission now.

Giyuu began to run towards Muzan while breathing in preparing to do water breathing first form but then Muzan slashed the air and I was barely able to dodge. He was just standing there now...was it a trap or should I take the first move? I began to breathe in again to try and use water breathing first form again since I messed up the last time. But before I knew it my head was dislocated off of my neck and falling onto the floor my life flashed in my eyes...how pathetic of me I can't believe I thought I could hold him back so my crow can call for help.

Soon after Giyuu's crow caught up to giyuu and sadness and fear struck the crows face when he saw a boy in green eating his masters body and head the crow also spotted Muzan and then quickly went to go fly back to the hashira base to tell them that giyuu died to Muzan, give Muzans last location, and that there was a other demon that looked to be a lower moon.

-time skip to the present time-

Muzan: "you will become a part of the lower moon...no you will become the lower moon, You need to kill everyone in the lower moon rank." He said this with lust to see how much stronger Tanjiro will become after he is forced to eat all the lower moons.

Tanjiro: we were quickly teleported to the infinity castle and before me and Muzan there were 6 strong demon's bowing down for Muzan each had their ranks in there eyes Lower moon 1, 2, 3, etc... Muzan told me to kill them now and I quickly followed his orders I started with the weakest one lower moon 6.

When I slashed at him for the kill he jumped back and was about to hit one of the drums on his chest until his head disappeared?!...I turned around and saw his head in Muzans hands. The lower moon's face changed from fear to anger I believe Muzan was talking to him through his mind.

Muzan: "you will die." He said to lower moon 6 through his mind. "You are useless you had one job and you failed." He made quick work of killing him and threw the head to Tanjiro ordering him to eat it.

Tanjiro: I caught the head and heard his voice in my head ordering me to eat his head and body then to kill the rest. I began to eat the head took me a minute to finish it then I ate the body in about 5 minutes. I went to the other lower moons and killed them leaveing there bodies on the floor they didn't fight me. The last lower moon was blushing?...I looked at his eye it said "lower moon 1" I continued walking towards him he continued to blush but even harder he was enjoying this way to much...I quickly sliced his head of and ate it same with the body. I felt so much stronger than before it was kinda overwhelming how fast I grew stronger each body I ate. I finally finished eating all the lower moons. I looked back at Muzan he disappeared but before he did I saw he had a look of satisfaction on his face...he looked very sinister no matter what he did.

I was quickly teleported to a unknown hallway in the infinity castle and there was an upper moon in front of me holding an instrument. "Where am I going now? And are there any orders from Muzan?" Tanjiro asked the woman these questions curious of what he needs to do now.

Nakime: "there are no orders from Muzan that he has told me of. And I can send you to your new room in the infinity castle." The upper moon spoke in a ca voice and yet it kinda sounded stern for some reason.

Tanjiro: "that would be good after I go to my room and check it out is there any way I can meet the other uppermoons?" Tanjiro was growing more curious as he spoke he wanted to meet the upper moons and see his competition tanjiro thought maybe one day he would be come as strong as the upper moons. Tanjiro doesn't seem to understand that he was pretty strong himself.

Nakime: "I am not the one that decides if you can visit them. But I can teleport you to there locations and wish you the best. I doubt Kokushibo wants to see you right now, and I am not sure if Akaza wants to see you, but... Douma might want to see the newbie he is "friendly-ish"

Tanjiro: when she said that I was possibly able to meet my superiors I got a bit exited maybe I would be able to spar with one of them I can become even stronger and make sure I fulfill lord Muzans every order. All of a sudden I was teleported to an empty room. "This is my new room" tanjiro spoke to himself and smiled gently while looking around at the new surrounding he took a deep breath in and then out tanjiro began to think about where he should go to eat more humans, and maybe a other day he would be able to meet upper moon 2. Tanjiro admires all the uppermoons and wanted to become just as strong as them.

A/n: yoo will tanjiro meet Douma? And is he gonna like tanjiro? 😳 Thanks for reading this chapter, chapter 3 should be out tomorrow like I usually do. I hope I can keep up with these daily updates. And all chapters will be short I think 😅

Words: 1059

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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