Pride's P.O.V

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Who would've thought watch detail would be so mind-numbingly boring. The fact I'm literally up a tree helps matters none. To be honest, I have no idea why this particular girl is of any importance to us. She's most likely just some nerd that talks too much. I notice a van pull into her driveway and my curiosity is instantly piqued. A girl about my age in an Amestrian military uniform exits the front door of the house.

And good lord is she hot.

Oh, man, those curves could make a goddess or even Lust jealous. Her chest too could make Lust jealous. And I could easily imagine those thighs around my waist as I had some fun with her, with my hand in the small of her back. More thoughts relating to my observations arose, but were interrupted by a sudden voice from above.

"So, how goes surveillance?"

I quickly looked up to find a crow on the branch directly over my head. The bird then began to change its form to that of a boy who appeared to be not much older than me and had dark green hair that reached his hips. "Envy, dare I ask what you're doing here?" Envy let out a small huff. "Lust asked me to check up on you for a report. I take it you haven't found shit?" "Not really, no," I lied.

Other than the fact that she had a body more desirable than Lust's.

"Well, damn. Oh, Lust also said to keep a close tail on her until further notice," Envy said. "Fine. Anything else?" I asked. "Nope, that's about it," he replied. He then returned to crow form and flew off. Alright then, I thought to myself, time to follow my little prize.

Hi guys! Sorry this part is so short. This is one of my first fanfics, so please bear with me here! I meant to say this on the last part, but I hope you like it!

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