My P.O.V

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We had been at Senshi-Con for at least three hours before Elizabeth suggested we get food over at the nearby mall. But for some odd reason, I felt as if we were being watched. Everyone else wrote it off as some sort of mild paranoia, but I knew better. I just didn't let the others catch on to that. For a month or so now, I've had the same feeling that someone was watching me. I wasn't paying attention, so I ended up getting separated from the others.

How fucking cliche is that?

After wandering around for about 15 minutes, I began to get worried. I was too busy panicking when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see a boy about my age, then all of a sudden the lyrics to one of my favorite songs started playing in my head:

Well I'm not paralyzed, but I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move because you're standing still
And if your body matches what your eyes can do
You'll probably move right through me on my way to you

Yeah, he was that attractive.

He had perfect ivory skin that complimented his beautiful short black hair that looked as if it were made of shadows. But what was most mesmerizing were his eyes. A deep indigo that seemed to be faceted, making his eyes look like tanzanite gems.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't watching where I was -"

"Oh, no, you're fine, young lady. You seemed panicked. Are you looking for someone?" he asked. Without thinking, I blurted in a lovestruck tone, "N-no, I think I just found him." Then, after registering what I just said, I smacked my hand to my mouth. The boy went wide-eyed, then started laughing. He saw my puzzled look and smiled. "Oh, that was priceless. Humans can be so... fickle sometimes. As an apology if I hurt your feelings, I'll buy you a coffee," he said while wiping away tears that had formed during his laughing fit.

"Uhm... ok" was all I could manage.

New chapter, finally! Sorry it took so long, I've had a lot on my plate recently. Stay immortal, my people!

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