Chapter 12

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I ran my fingers through my (Hair Color) hair and walked back and forth.

I didn't realize that a car had pulled up right next to me and someone was saying my name.

"(Your Name)? (Your Name)? (YOUR NAME)?!?"

I snapped out of my trance and turned to see Feliciana and Ludwig staring at me.

"Yes?" My voice was weak and hoarse.

"Where is everybody?" Feliciana's voice seemed soothing and almost worried.

"I-I don't know..." I started to break down and cry.

She hurried out of the car telling Ludwig to stay put as if he was a dog. She rushed over to me and started to comfort me.

"It's alright, we'll find them."

"W-Why are you being s-so nice to m-m-me?" I stammered and she looked down.

"I had no idea what had gotten into me before. I would like to apologize for everything I have done. I know I must've gotten your life turned upside down, but believe me. I would like to make things right. And they are my family as well." She explained and I looked over at Ludwig and raised an eyebrow.

He nodded in apology and I nodded back.

"Alright, I'll believe you. Let's just get them back."

We all nodded and I hopped into the car I drove to get here as Feliciana hopped back in Ludwig's.

We searched high and low but did not find any of them.

We stopped at a restaurant to eat really quick and I was distraught. I broke down crying at the table. I had a tear-stained face and my hair was very disheveled.

"Go clean up (Your name)." Ludwig said as we sat down. I nodded and walked over to the bathroom.

I walked in and washed my face. I brushed through my hair with my fingers and leaned on the counter with my eyes closed.

I heard someone go behind me and the flutter of paper and the door opened and closed. I slowly opened my eyes to see a letter addressed to Feliciana, Ludwig and I. I picked it up and slipped it into my back pocket before slowly leave the restroom.

I walked to the table and sat down.

"Guys?" They looked at me.

"Yes?" I placed the letter on the table.

"I found this in the bathroom after someone left. I didn't see the man's face though."

I opened it and laid it on the table for all of us to read.

Dear Feliciana, Ludwig, and (Your Name)

I realize you must all be distraught about what has happened, but I assure you that they are all in good hands. I am happy to report to you that we are hunting you an everyone you love. I know this must be hard for you all, however unless you give us what we want, we will kill them. Kill them all.

 Love, Your Family's kidnappers

I didn't realize that I was crying until I looked down and saw a small puddle.

I gritted my teeth and slammed my fist on the table before getting up and walking outside.

"No matter what, I will save you. I will save you all."

My phone started to ring and I pulled it out and answered it, not bothering to see who had called.


"(Your Name)? Where are you?" The voice was hectic as if there was a lot going on around them.

"I'm in America, why? And who is this?"

"It's Jett, I need to speak with Eve."

I froze. "Um, why would you need to do that?" You could obviously hear the nervousness in my voice.

"(Your Name)? What are you hiding?"

I sighed. "I need you Mom and Dad to get somewhere safe. I believe that there is someone after you three, just be safe because they already got Eve. Tell Mom and Dad, tell them I'm safe and to not send anyone. I got it alright?"

"Yes, I will do everything you said." Jett said and hung up to go tell them.

I put my phone away and looked to the sky.

It was getting dark and cold as well.

I walked back inside and the three of us ate.

"You two go home, I'll continue to search."

"No, we are staying with you, you're not the only one that is hurting, we have family missing too!" Feliciana yelled. I looked down.

"Well, then I better show you two our family secret."

I had never told anyone this. Only the royal family earns them and even then it is only limited to the royal family. Not even the staff knows about it.

Ludwig raised an eyebrow. "Then what is it?"

I looked at the ground and closed my eyes. I clenched my fists. I unclenched them and let out a deep breath. I felt the feeling of feathers and wind. I opened my eyes and I was in the air with golden wings.

I looked down to see Feliciana and Ludwig with wide eyes.

I landed softly on the ground and folded up my wings.

"Y-you have wings?" Feliciana asked, well, more like said.

"That's......amazing." Ludwig said. I unfurled one of my wings and let them stroke my feathers.

"They're so soft." I grinned.

"Well, we should get going if we are going to find out families."

They nodded and off we were.

A/n: FILLER!!! Sorry about not updating so I did a quick chapter introducing your Brand New Wings!! Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it!!

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