Chapter 17

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A/n: Okay, so some of the logic from past chapters are going to change, so like yeah..... Enjoy?

That look of horror stunned me.


I knew what was happening, the only thing I couldn't figure out was why and who?

I lowered my voice to where only we can hear.

"Please, I need an answer. Trust me." I pleaded. She slowly looked down and nodded her head slightly.

"Yes, a billion times yes!" (I bet you knew that was coming....) I smiled and slowly slipped the ring onto her finger. I stood and wrapped my arms around her waist. He response was her arms snaking around my neck as she leaned into me. I let our lips touch and let her worries disappear.

(You all are going to hate this..... just watch) I removed one arm around her waist and set it on the railing. I knew I was going to regret this.

With a swift push I propelled us off of the the balcony. Five stories down was the ground waiting for the impact.

Lovina, pulled away to realize what was going on. "This is where your trust for me comes into play. I need you to close your eyes." She nodded and obeyed closing her eyes. I shifted her to where she was facing the ground. I hopes this works or else the guilt will eat me alive.

As we neared the ground I could feel something pulling at my skin. With no pain we stopped falling.

I let out an airy laugh as we glided through the air. I whispered in Lovina's ear. "You can open your eyes now." I felt her squirm slightly as she did so.

"What? Why aren't we falling?" I didn't answer her and instead landed in a lush green park with a statue of an angel. She slowly wobbled and turned towards me. My wings were dragging slightly on the grass as I walked towards her. She started at me, a look of awe present in her eyes.

"Like what you see?" She scoffed. "This is not the time to be making jokes. You almost got shot!'

I chuckled softly and swept her into my arms. "But we're okay." My face turned grim. "Did you see what he looked like?" She nodded slightly. "Some what. He was somewhat tall. Light brown hair and blue eyes. Lightly tanned." She seemed to go off on his description when I gasped. "Jett." "Who?" I sighed and looked at her before pressing my lips to her forehead. "He's my older adopted brother...." She pulled away from me. "Why is he trying to shoot you then?"

"That's what I want to figure out. We need to get you home where you'll be safe." "No, I'm going with you!" I shook my head. "You have to be-" "I don't care about my health right now! You idiot! I want to be with you even if it means getting myself hurt!" I stood there in shock. No one has ever wanted to be with me or protect me. I looked down at her and gave her an apologetic smile. "I'll agree to let you come with me." She huffed and hugged me.

I scooped her up in my arms bridal style and she squeaked gripping onto my neck. "Hold on." I teased and she frowned at me. I pushed off the ground and into the air.

I was going home.

~Mini Timeskip~

I landed back on solid land causing Lovina to stir awake.

"We're here." I whispered to her making her open her eyes. I sat her down on the grass letting her wake up further.

I looked up at the unnaturally blue sky before moving towards the castle-ish thing I used to call home. If I was correct, this would no longer be my home. My family, no longer my family.

"(Your Name)?!" I turned and narrowed my eyes. There stood the Queen and the King. My former parents.

"How are you still alive?" I helped Lovina up as she stared at them. "What do they mean?" She asked as she clung to me slightly.

Fem!Romano X Prince!Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now