04: Breathing Troubles

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The kids in the hallways all gave them confused looks as they ran by, but hell, Lance could care less. He didn't exactly know how he got caught up in this situation but there he was, plus the boy who was dragging him around was absolutely gorgeous and he had to admit the blush on his face wasn't only because of the running. Lance tugged onto the boys hand hoping he would turn around and slow down, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"KEITH GET BACK HERE! YOUR NOT COMING HOME TONnight...!" The same guy who seemed to be running after Keith, shouted while running, his volume decreasing as his breath was shortening. Keith stopped abruptly seeing that the man behind them stopped as well. The brunette was grateful they stopped, he started breathing heavily, then he started wondering if he brought his inhaler cause at this point his lungs were in fire.

The raven haired boy panted triumphantly, his mouth shaping into a proud smirk, looking at the half naked man in-front of them. Then he turned to Lance and opened his mouth, moving it. It seemed like he was trying to talk?

Lance tilted his head to the side, confused about what was happening. Could he not talk? The boy frowned upon seeing his confusion. He sighed raising his hands up and then started to move them sloppily and slowly, as if he was trying to understand what he was doing. The brown haired boy payed attention to the movements, suddenly realizing he was signing "sorry". His eyes widened, this guy knew sign language?! What the hell...

The gears in Lances head finally started to work, Lotor talking about the new student who didn't have a soulmate, this pretty guy which he never saw just appeared out of nowhere and now he was using sign language. This guy, this beautiful, breathtaking, heart aching guy was the new kid... What... what if he was his soulm-

"YOU LITTLE BASTARD! If you don't give me my pants right now, you will and I will make sure of it, get locked out of the damn house." The dude who just chased them around half of the building finally caught his breath and interrupted Lance's thoughts. Then he muttered something else that Lance couldn't hear, the brown haired boy spotted one of the teachers in the school and it seems like he spotted the man, who may I remind was not wearing any pants and was in a school with children, basically showing off his Star Wars boxers to everyone. Lance was kinda jealous (he was super jealous) he had a pair of those.

"Uh... hi?" A teacher came up with an embarrassed smile on his face, "I want to remind you these are school grounds and we don't permit... um... this." He spitted out awkwardly, bringing one of his hands to the back of his neck. The guy whipped his head around, his whole face red. Then it seemed like the situation had just settled in and everyone realized what kind of crazy situation they were bringing around the school.

Lance felt the boy next to him flinch, he glanced over seeing Keith's shoulders tensed after hearing the teacher that came over, which Lance now recognized as Mr. W. The substitute Science teacher. Lance didn't mind him, you could talk but at a moderate level and he would also let you play on your phone 10 minutes before the bell but only if you finished your work, it seemed pretty reasonable to him (a lot of the other kids didn't like him).

The air around the group of 4 started to get awkward, because once again, there was this half - naked dude, which now that Lance was close up to him he could see the scar on his nose and the white strip of hair that covered his forehead and ended near the bridge of his nose. This guy was running around chasing one of the students, Keith,  who was indeed the culprit of the scar dudes clothing situation and to top it of they were in the middle of a hallway. If you explained this situation to your friends they would call you a fucking dumbass and then proceed to howl their sorry no life asses of.

"I-i... Hi!" the guy said, who now seemed to be dripping some sweat at the sight of Mr. W, he continued, "Y-yeah no kidding, sorry that you - um... had to see me like this." He chuckled awkwardly, his face turning a little pink.  Lances eyes widened. Was this guy blushing?! Holy shit. Did he have the hots for Mr. W?

Mr. W cleared his throat awkwardly, his eyes darting from all 3 of them then landing on the guy who now was standing tall compared to Mr. W. The guy was like 4 heads taller!? Okay maybe that was over exaggerating but the height difference is quite a lot. "Haha.... yeah. Well then we should uh get going to the office, right Takashi ?"

The two men apparently knew each other and apparently someone else too. Behind Lance was Keith who had just watched the whole interaction and he was sweating way more than Takashi.  His head was slightly faced to floor but just tilted up enough so that he could see the interaction between the two men.

"Lance and Keith," Mr. W sighed, his eyes dropped so slightly while saying Keith's name that you wouldn't catch it if you weren't paying attention, "you both have to come with me too."

The shorter boy whipped his head up and narrowed his eyes. Then started to move his hands angrily still trying to understand what words he was putting out, Lance had some type of idea of what he was saying. He slapped Keith's hands down and started to Sign in a more clearer way.

He was the one chasing me and this guy has nothing to do with what was happening, Lance signed. The raven head scoffed, lightly elbowing Lance.

"Yes. Thank you, Lance. All though, I'm sadly familiar with this situation." Mr. W sighed, dragging one hand down his forehead and resting it at the top of his nose bridge. Takashi chuckled a little, then immediately stopped once Mr. W looked over at him. "Alright, let's go. All of you follow me and I want no protests and no angry hand signals. You will all face the consequences."

Lance groaned out of frustration and him being out of air, literally. He tapped Mr. W shoulder and then signed if he could go to the nurse. The substitute teacher practically stared lasers into Lances soul while he was deciding whether to let him off or not.

"Do you desperately need it?" Mr. W sighed, his eyes still holding the cold glare. Lance widened his eyes in annoyance. Of course he needs it, unless you want the whole school seeing their star football player pathetically wheezing for air on the gross school floors.

Yes, i do. I'm barely holding up. I think i'm feeling dizzy. My legs are going to give out. I forgot my inhaler.  Lance signed desperately. He was barely feeling half of those things, but he felt like an extra dose of air will keep him up and running if he wanted to survive until next class.

"augh.... Ok. Fine, Keith will accompany you." Lance shot a glance at Keith, who also looked at him, "And when you're done, I want BOTH OF YOU back at the office. Got it?" Mr. W watched both Lance and Keith as they reluctantly started walking together. He turned over to Keith to see him eyeing everyone in the hallways.

Lance sighed and closed his eyes and leaned his head back, bringing his hands behind his head to support it. At least he'll miss 2nd period too. Oh what the hell.

The nurses office wasn't anything to special, it was a pretty small room with a desk, two white beds, one giant window, a bunch of medical stuff and the nurse that worked there, and if you found comfort in a mostly white room, you'd be pretty cozy.

Keith sat on the chair next to the bed, eyeing the flowers on the bedside table, Blue Hydrangeas. He moved his eyes back to Lance sitting on the bed and the nurse looking through her cabinets for the inhaler. She muttered small angry statements at him, who just sat there amused.

He moved his head over a smirked at Keith, raising his hands to probably sign something. They dropped immediately after the nurse turned around with the inhaler.

"Lance. Goddammit. Stop losing your inhaler, the school isn't some... - infinite inhaler factory!" The nurse sputtered out, both of them now facing each other.  Keith noticed that they look similar, he guessed they were family. The same curly chocolate brown hair and delicate tan skin, similar noses and the giveaway: Lance signing with a different sign language to the woman. 

"No. I'm not staying calm, Lance. So please, for everyone's sake. Stop losing the damn thing." She glared him down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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