01: Start

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Keith angrily stomped down the stairs. He wished he could talk, if only had his stupid soulmate showed up earlier in life then maybe he would be be able to shout back at Shiro.

Keith swung his back-pack over his shoulder, fiddled a little with the tight and extremely uncomfortable uniform he was currently wearing. He pinned his long jet black bangs with a bobby pin and tied back the rest of his hair. Keith cringed, people could see his eyes.

He saluted to Shiro and headed for the bus station. He pulled out his headphones and waited for the next bus while listening to his so-called " Emo Music", as his friend Pidge likes to call it.

Pidge could always talk, she never had a soulmate as the doctor, the Holts took their daughter too, said.

She was a little sad at first but then it came to her mind that she didn't need a soulmate to learn how to hack computers or program things, so she decided to let go of it. Then a few months later at a restaurant, where Keith works, Pidge came out to her family as Aro-ace and that's how they met, Keith was their waiter.

Keith arrived at his new school, Galaxy Garrison, and damn was this place fancy, no wonder he had to wear such precise uniforms. He wandered around the school until he came across a door with a sign that spelled, Principal. He knocked and stepped in. There was a man who was sitting behind a large brown table covered with papers and a cables connected to a big computer.

"Hello. You must be Keith Kogane?" The man asked, Keith nodded. "Well Mr.Kogane. I'm
Mr. Iverson, one of my students will take you to your first class and help you." the man, now known as Mr. Iverson continued. He handed Keith a notebook, "you can use this to write down answers or talk to your teachers and classmates."

Wow, this Iverson guy was really prepared, Keith thought. The door opened and a familiar small figure peeked her head out. Pidge stepped into the room fully and waved a hi to Keith and saluted Mr.Iverson.

"Mr. Iverson." She said respectfully, while motioning to Keith. Mr. Iverson nodded and allowed Pidge to escort Keith out of the room, it was like some secret Garrison language. Keith followed Pidge out of the room.

Once the door was closed and they made half way down the corridor, Pidge sighed, "Iverson is always gonna give me the shivers, he's scarier than Mrs. Haggar." Keith grinned as she finished.

"Anyway, Keithy Boy! Since first class is almost over, no need to go. You can just head to break and the go to your third class." Pidge said grinning.

Keith internally snorted, he just missed his first class on his first day. Shiro will rage.

Pidge lead the way to the cafeteria, going in complicated directions to arrive at a table with 3 people. One guy with a orange bandanna, brown skin and black hair. The second being a girl with LONG white hair, Keith estimated it would reach her thighs if she stood up. Her purple dangle earrings, complimenting her dark skin.

"Yo losers!" Pidge said while sitting down, "ok so guys,this is my emo best friend, Keith. And Keith these are my two very good friends, Hunk, my platonic husband and partner for every single science project known to man. And Allura is literally like my second mom but instead closer."

Keith decides this is a good time to use his note-book. He takes a seat and pulls out the book from his bag. Pidge shoved him a pen and he mouthed a quick "thanks" to her, she nodded in response and then went back to slamming her keyboard.

Keith scribbles down on his paper then passes it in between Allura and Hunk. Allura looked confused then read the note quietly out loud. Hunks eyes widened and then settled while looking up at Keith, "Nice to meet you to Keith!" Hunk cheerfully said. Allura stares at the paper for a little while.

"Yeah, nice to meet you Keith!" She finally said and holy quiznak, she did have a very heavy British accent, Pidge snickered as if she was reading Keith's mind.

Hunk started to say something but then he was interrupted by Alluras phone pinging, signalling a message was sent to her.

She picked up her phone to check it, her phone matched her personality well, purple case with stickers and crystals on it. She looked panicked for a few seconds then just started to type.

A few moments later Hunk also got a ping, then Pidges phone chimed in her backpack and her computer got a notification.

"Seems the like everyone is getting notifications, huh?" Pidge muttered while her eyes scanned over her computers screen. Keith leaned over to see what everyone in the cafeteria was looking at. He quietly read the email that was send to Pidge.

Email received from:

->> Party at my place Thursday, EVERYONE IS INVITED!!! Alcohol will be there but if you don't mind bringing some, that would be lovely.

Address: Galra St. Daibazaal property, Lot 420

Pidge turns to Keith and raised her eyebrows in a questioning way, Keith shrugged. Hunk groaned like he has seen this email multiple times.

"Are you guys gonna go? Cause I don't want to go alone." Hunk asked, while looking up.

" Don't worry, Hunk. I'll be there!" Allura continued, "Pidge, Keith? Are you two joining?" Keith looks at Pidge and shrugs.

"Sure, why not. Keith will learn how things work over here, and plus I'm not doing anything that night." Pidge replied pushing up her glasses. Keith smiled at her and then the bell rang, signaling to the students that class was starting.

[a/n: hello! Welcome to my first story, Please call me Chao (Kay-o). I hope you enjoyed. It might not be the best but I tried. Thank you and bye <333 ]

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