27.The Ball

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Renzo's POV

The day of the ball had arrived. I have checked the security systems more than a hundred times and everything looks perfect to me. After checking everything for one last time I head home to get ready.

I found the door of our room locked,  she must have been getting ready so I went to the spare room to refresh and change my clothes. It didn't take too long and I looked at myself in the mirror and adjusted my tie and left the room. When I went down stairs there she was looking absolutely gorgeous in her dress.

"You look so pretty " I tell her as she blushes at my statement. She had kept her makeup to a minimum and I have no idea what she had done to her hair but it looked good with a few accessories.

(her hair)

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(her hair)

(Renzo's dress)

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(Renzo's dress)

We wait for my parents to come down. While waiting for them I pull out a garter belt with a gun attached to it and bend down before Zoya. She looks at me confused. "For your safety. You do know how to use one right? " she shakes her head. "Lift up your dress" she lifts it up I secure the belt on her thigh and stand up.  Due to all the layers in the dress the belt and the gun were not visible."Promise me that you won't leave my side no matter what happens" I ask her. " Promise " she says.  I pull her for a small kiss.

After my parents too come down we head out to the place where ball is to be held. Once we reach I get out of the car and give my hand to Zoya so that she can get out.  Hand in hand we walk into the hall. On the way I nod at my security team members to ensure everything is on place.

We enter the room after an announcement is made and the entire room goes silent.  Everyone is looking at my wife just as I guessed. I turn to look at Zoya who did not let the stares scare her but held her head high. On our way here I had told her all about my plan and what we were to expect today. She just said that we will deal with it together.

I pull us towards a group of business partners. They too had come with their dates. As we men got indulged in discussing business I saw Zoya engaging in conversation with their dates all the while maintaining her distance which is good because in this job anything can be used against you.

Soon the heads of various mafia's were invited to the stage to give a short speech which many of them didn't understand as they stood there giving a long boring speech. Mine was short and sweet. I just said 'Let's kick the butts of bad people and save our loved ones.'

Soon the dance began and we all started dancing with our dates.  I really liked having her in my arms, it was the first time we were dancing together and I had this feeling that it might be the last. I had the urge to pull her closer and hold her hand tight and never let her go. The dance was coming to crescendo and I pulled her for a kiss. It was a long kiss. I got lost in the kiss as if it was my first. My surroundings got blurry, I was just able to make out the cheers in the background.


Hi everyone thank you all for your support. I have never thought I would be able to get readers for my book yet here you all are supporting my book even though I am a very irregular writer. Thank you for your support and patience

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