22.Step 2

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Sorry for grammatical errors.

Zoya's POV

Yesterday was a great day.  I really enjoyed it. Renzo is a different person. Everyone thinks that he is a arrogant, egostic, merciless mafia leader but behind all that there is a cute, funny, caring and playful soul.  I have been staring at his face for more than five whole minutes. He has a scar on his left cheek and I have not noticed it still now.  It has faded a lot but still visible. I placed my hand on the scar, tracing it. "Good morning" his voice startled me. I withdrew my hand.  He took it and placed it on his face.  " Let it stay there, it was comforting." " Can I ask you something" I ask him. " Sure". " How did you get this scar ?" . He hesitated a bit. " If you are not willing to talk about it you don't have to " I tell him.  He smiles at me.  " I will surely talk about it with you some other day" he says. The rest of the day I didn't see Renzo he was out busy with work. 

A week later

Finally our trip to India has come to an end. We have visited as many places as possible and tasted some amazing dishes. I am feeling a tiny bit sad but much happier that we are returning back to Italy. I don't know why but I have grown to like it. Don't get me wrong I still love my nation but the environment there is just peaceful, no one disturbs me there, at my parents house someone always finds a way to come and disturb me. Then I have to deal with my mom's sarcasms which gets difficult to cope with.  I am broken from my trance by a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn to look at Renzo looking at me with a what's wrong face.  I assure him that everything is fine. We finally reach Italy.  Once inside the house I run to my room and plop on the bed.  As I am enjoying it I hear a small chuckle behind me I lift my head a little bit to see who it is, it was Renzo ." I didn't think you would be this happy to come and sleep. " he says.  " It's just that I missed my bed" I tell him. "Well it's seems like you will be missing your bed a lot more because you will be sleeping with me in my room. I don't want any arguments "he says and leaves and if you were missing the angry mafia boss he is back. I don't fight back because I know that even if I fight he will not change his decision. 

That night

We were all seated in the dinning room having dinner when Renzo leans closer to me and talks. " I am going to America  soon after dinner. I can't take you with me. You will be staying here and you will not leave the house when I am not here. You will have to message me every half an hour and I will be back in two days.  I will miss you." " I will also miss you" I tell him with a small smile.  I really wonder the reason behind these sudden business trips. Soon he tells his goodbyes and leave to America. I am all alone in our room. I walk around his room for a few minutes and there is nothing interesting in his room. No books, no photos, no diaries  literally nothing except his clothing.  I get bored and go to sleep.

Renzo's POV

I am on my way to America to meet with the American mafia king.  We are friends since childhood so I am sure she would help me. Yep it's a she,  but she likes to go by king instead of queen.  After a long flight I have finally  reached America. My driver drives me to her house. As soon as I ring the bell the maid opens the door and leads me inside,  after a few minutes she comes down to meet with me. " Hello Kale. How have you been?" I ask her.  " Oh you were alive all these years,  I thought you were probably dead. I mean like who forgets that they have a bestfriend and stops communicating with them." she says.  I smile sheepishly. " Anyway why are you here?" she asks. " I am here for your help. I am planning to bring the Spanish mafia down. He threatened to take my wife from me.  Just trust me I have a great plan but I need you to help me with it" I start blabbering. " Wait wait wait,  so you are telling me that the Spanish mafia is threatening to take your wife from you and I don't remember about anyone telling me that you got married." she says staring at me. " Oh yeah I actually did get married before few months. She's an Indian and Nivin's daughter sorry I didn't invite you.  It was a quick marriage actually." Over the next few minutes I tell her about how I met Zoya and the reason for my conflict with the Spanish mafia. She looks at me with tears in her eyes but I didn't know the reason however before I could ask her she starts speaking " I am so happy for you and her. I didn't  think that you will be able to find true love after all that happened but I am also jealous of her for taking my bestfriend. As I begin to tell my plan my phone vibrates I look at it to see messages from Zoya.


Zoya: Hello. I am fine. 

I am staying inside the room and it's boring.  


I look at it and smile. " Oh my God. You have completely fallen for her" I hear a loud voice near my ear to see Kale peeking at the messages so I turn off my phone. I tell her all about my plan and she agrees to it.  " Can I too come with you to Italy. Its been long since I saw your mom and I also want to meet your wife." she says and I too agree to it.  Next day we leave to Italy.  We reach my house. " Mom come look who has come after a long time. " I shout. My mom comes rushing to the door so does Zoya.  She looks at Kale and her face drops. I go near her but she just takes my bag and walks away with out looking at me. Did I do something wrong?.. 


Another long chapter. I hope you enjoy it and we have crossed 7k reads yay.. *happy dance*. Take care everyone and thank you for your support.

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