I can't... move-

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I was interrupted from my deep sleep...
As my mind, and all my senses adjust to whatever was going on, I began to hear what sounds like... Voices? I realized though, I couldn't move; like me being paralyzed from all over my body. It was truly giving me a headache... But as I adjusted to my reality I realized... That didn't sound... Right...?

My ears weren't deceiving me... Those screams were so choppy and out of place, like yelling and arguing, a harsh violent argument. But I couldn't understand a single word, as each thing they said would scramble to the next chopped up sound TRYING to make a word. This was worse than them actually arguing... Is this... Real? I mean they do argue alot.

My brain hurts... I feels like the screams are getting closer, the violent angry yells... As I hear something like a strong bass playing under me. It was chopping and torn up left and right, their argument was gibberish. I listened to this for so long. Before I knew it...  I JUMPED OUT OF MY OWN SKIN just... Seeing them phasing through the wall, their faces and body scratched out and looking indented with a sharp cuts from a pen.

I was gonna have a heart attack!! Seeing what's left of a... Facial expressions? And their movements chop up and their yelling sound so loud as they phase their way through the wall. There's no way this is real right? The arguments... Sounds like nothing, and their voices... Chopping and scrambled up, not making any sense. More and more I'd hear the yelling as they have phased through the wall, right next to me just arguing, it really felt like my ears could bleed.

My mind could melt! This was so confusing... I could see strings come out of the wall, and they are just confused arguing, like every half or partial second they would look like they were skipping a frame and defying the law of time itself. I couldn't recognize a single facial feature, but it truly felt like them.

My head could only look down, seeing the floor crumble apart below me... I would breathe gently... And the smallest little relaxation would flow over me, the loud yelling voices would slowly muffle down, and I felt like I couldn't remember anything at this moment. Nothing... Very slowly though, the voices are just gone, also did I mention... I'm not paralyzed laying down? Somehow I'm sitting up... Yeah. I still can't move.

Just... Staring into the space below me, it nullified all effect on me. It felt addicting, that space was small! Like a box or... A cube. The fact it was pure escapism as I looked back up at the argument, and the disturbance has gotten so much worse... From choppy to absolutely mangled and hellish. The strings... And chains slowly wrap around me and my little cube. I'm swiping, god please don't take away my happiness.

Leave me alone, I'll let the chains surround me. I'm superior, go away... I'm staring at my cube, a space... A landscape, all for me. The yelling didn't even exist to me... I'm slowly just partially paralyzed now, I can move; but I could care less about this yelling anymore. They wanted this.

Let me sit here, leave me alone, go away, make it stop.
I lied.
I can still hear it.
Let me go.
Let me leave.

The chains have me, I'm not going anywhere. I'm in hell, I'm in hell, I'm in hell.

A subtle sign, a message... To get out of here.
I can hear you!
I'm right here!
So... Beautiful, so free.
An Idea... I can't help but choose.

I can't help it!
I'm tired of your problems.
Let me go!
I'll go anyway...
You've driven me to such an extent.
I can see a better light.
I will...
I will be free.

I grabbed something...

I looked down at this poison in my hands, and turned it into my antidote.

There there...

Sometimes we can't wake up from all nightmares, you know?
But there's something else you can do.

I've took some more things, my armor my protection... And my dedication.

It was easy to break these chains, to no longer be held by them.
It easily burst, when I made a single movement to escape...

Looks like standing out of out those emotions, and away from your comfort zone... Will be the only way the chains become so brittle.


I slip off my bed, paralyzed only in one eye... And my feet move on their own, I'm fleeing soaring in the wind.

To get away from some problems, is sometimes the best medicine for you.

There was no door, no need for me to open in fear of trouble. They no longer could hurt me. I can hear the drones, as they falter...

I can hear a voice so proud...
Sometimes... You just have to leave.

Outside this door...
Was what I wanted.
A moment of peace.

I saw their worried faces, but no guilt.

I took the steps anyway...
and sometimes what you do for yourself, just feels like heaven sometimes...

But it's only


I woke up, and my parents arguing sounds very different (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now