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"Goodbye Paris, Hello England"

As I step out of the train carrying my luggage, the excitement of seeing my family again flows within me. I walk up the train station's stairs to find myself a cab. I stand there impatiently, waiting for a taxi to arrive so that I can see my family once again.

I get my locket from the collar of my dress and open it, and then I stare at the portrait of my family, thinking of how much they missed me. After a few minutes, a taxi stops before me and asks.

"Hello there, young lady; where are you headed too?"

"Hello there, good sir. I'm going to my family to the Elrod estate."

"You must be the second in the Elrod family. Scarlet Elrod, am I right?"

"Yes, you are most certainly right."

The coachman chuckles and signals me to hop in. As I jumped in the taxi, I put my luggage down and stared out the window. In my mind, I could already imagine what their reaction would be like when they saw me again.

The taxi stops, and I excitedly hop out of the cab, pay my fee, and get my luggage. I bid the coachman goodbye as I ring the doorbell of my home.

A maid came out running as she got closer. I could recognize her. It was Lyndsey. My closest friend ever since I was a child, she served my family for a long time until now. As she opens the gate, she speaks.

"Lady Scarlet! You're back after three years! We've missed you dearly, my lady."

I chuckle at her greeting. "Please don't be so formal when together, my friend. Please be casual with me like you always do. I've missed you all too. I also brought back some souvenirs from Paris to share with you and my family."

"That's great, my lady! Speaking of your family, they all anticipated your arrival and are waiting in the living room for you." Lyndsey says with a smile

I smile from ear to ear and quickly go to the living room, where they are waiting for me.

I dropped my luggage, seeing a new family member in the room-a baby girl in my mother's arms. I cover my mouth with joy after finally seeing my new baby sister.

"What's her name, mother?" I ask, wiping the tears from my eyes

"What's your name, princess?" Mother says to the baby who she's holding

"Celena!" The cute baby says

"Celena? What a beautiful name. I'm Scarlet, you're elder sister," I say as I bend to her level so she can see me.

A man hugged me from my back, messing my head. Only one person would ever have the audacity to mess up my hair daily.

"Welcome back, baby Scar! You must be so lonely back in Paris, but now that you're home, you have to deal with your siblings again" The man chuckles.

"Oh, give me a break." I turned around to face him.

"Must you be so annoying even when I just returned, Black?"

The man who annoyingly messed up my hair was my big brother Black, older by two years. Even though he's older, it feels like I'm taming a 5-year-old boy.

"It's called love, Scar" He laughs loudly

"Love my foot," I say rolling my eyes and looking at the cute baby again.

A fast sound of footsteps came from the staircase revealing my other younger sister who was excitedly running to me.

"Big sis, big sis, big sis! You're back! Were you able to get my book?" The young woman says excitedly.

I chuckle at her "Oh come on now, Luna. Could you greet your big sister first? I would really appreciate a hug from my first baby sister."

"Okay, fiiiine." Luna hugs Scarlet welcoming her home.

Luna is the third in the Elrod family. She loved books and would do anything to have her family buy her some. She is also one of the most intelligent people in the Elrod clan and would always get straight A's and is valedictorian for every year.

"Your book is in my luggage, I'll give it to you later. As well as the rest of the souvenirs I got for everyone. Yes, including you too, Dad." I chuckle

"But I didn't want anything from Paris," Father says looking away and hiding the fact that he's delighted with Scarlet's present.

"Well then, I should start unpacking and give out the souvenirs." I smile heading upstairs to my room.

I open the door to my room and start unpacking and getting the gifts I bought for my family. A picture falls from one of the shelves as I put my clothes back in the closet. I jump from shock and pick up the picture. It was a picture of me and William when we were kids.

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