Chapter 8: The Wedding

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When Rosé wakes, she instantly notices the absence of warmth beside her, and uses her arm to blindly, reflexively reach over for you. She's gotten so used to you being there when she regains consciousness in the morning, that it feels wrong and off when you weren't.

And right now, you aren't.

The instant she feels the empty sheets beside her, her eyes snap open and her morning drowsiness disappears immediately. She lifts her head from her pillow and looks at the place on the bed where you should be, but you weren't. And then she gulps and looks around the room, pushing her hair back with her fingers. She feels a hard, pounding ache in her head, but she barely even notices it because she's so worried and stressed and confused on where you could be.

And then, after a whole minute of blurry, cloudy confusion, she remembers. She remembers pushing you against the wall, she remembers hearing you moan her name like you needed her right then and there, she remembers pressing her mouth against you and making you come. She blushes at the thought of it; her heart racing, her mouth dry, her mind going crazy. She can't believe any of it—even just the karaoke part—happened at all, let alone the rest.

"Shit," She breathes out to herself, sitting up and putting her face in her hands. She remembers walking out mid-Y/n-orgasm, and part of her wishes she had just stayed out and not gone back in. Then it would be a little awkward, yeah, but it wouldn't be like it is now—where she knows what you looks like when you orgasm, and you know she can orgasm just by watching you orgasm.

But another, stronger part of her feels...content with herself. She finally went after something she wanted, and if she hadn't, she would still just be wondering what you tasted like—not ever actually knowing. And she liked getting you off, making you feel good, driving you to an aching, breathless release. She still can't believe she even did that.

And then she remembers you saying something about being jealous of Chloe, and even though she can't remember your exact words, she can still feel the same nervous pit in her stomach that she had when you said it. Did you actually mean that you were jealous of Chloe? As in wishing it was you kissing her instead? Or were you just talking about the fact that Chloe would tell the whole family that she was cheating on you and wanted to avoid it?

But you did say jealous.

Even after all of these crazy, intrusive thoughts, though, there's still one thing she's curious about: where are you? Her immediate thought is that you hate her now, and you were even more embarrassed than she is, and you never want to see her again so you left as soon as you woke up. She feels scared and helpless and she has no idea what to do.

She grabs her phone and checks the time, seeing it's almost noon—which makes sense when she remembers it was probably around two or three a.m. when they fell asleep.

She also sees she has nine texts from Jisoo, all of them in reply to the picture they sent yesterday.

First text: oh my god

Second text: are you guys together now???

Third text: I dont see her family around and she's kissing you and're blushing

Fourth text: ok I know I've probably missed a lot but when you guys left you literally hated each other please tell me what I've missed

Fifth text: and please GOD tell me that includes making out against a wall

Sixth text: or on a bed or on the beach or anywhere actually

Seventh text: the wall was just an example I'm not picky

Eighth text: I hope for your sake that's what you're doing right now since you're ignoring me

Ninth text: god I hate you so much for leaving me hanging like this

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