•Chapter Two•

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Three years and three months later.
Sea world, Queensland Australia.

"You're land bound!" His mother bellows into the her laptop screen. "What a nice surprise Lou, I've missed that beautiful face."

"Hi mum." Louis says softly, trying to keep his voice steady. God has he missed her.

"That was your longest expedition yet right? Must feel nice being back on land after almost two months on a ship." He nods along. It feels great. He got back late last night and still feels the sway in his belly and is unsteady walking on solid ground after getting so used to the heave of the ship beneath his feet.

"I like the beard." His mother points at the screen like she's touching his face. He knows she's lying, she's always teased him about his facial hair anytime he lets it grow further than a light stubble.

He smiles and reaches up to rub his hand over the course hairs on his chin. His hair is growing far longer than it's ever been too, but that's what happens when you're confined to a research ship for eight weeks with limited supplies.

The last thing he wanted to do when he crawled into his condo past midnight last night was shower, let alone groom himself.

"Back at Sea World today then?" She asks, voices coming into focus from behind her as his twin little sisters realise who she's talking to.

"Shouldn't you two be in bed? It's late there!"

"Oh hush." His mother says waving him off playfully. "It's the weekend and they have friends over. It must be early there then?"

"Yeah it's just gone seven." He says into a yawn. "Heading into Sea World in a bit for some paper work for my research, then I'm finished. Probably another week or so of work I'm not too sure yet."

"Will you finally be coming home? You're already past schedule." Her eager eyes tell him she's only ready to hear one answer.

"We've been working on a study on coral disease and the affect it's having on the behaviour of the marine life. They asked me to stay and I wanted to see it through till the end of the study so it's pushed me out a couple more months."

"But you're finished now right?"

Oh boy.

"Well, I never heard back from the London Aquarium about the job I interviewed for. They're keen to keep me on here and have offered me a permanent spot.."

"There were other jobs in London though weren't there?" He can feel her disappointment radiating from his computer screen.

He nods, but can't quite meet her eyes, knowing it will only ache. "There was, but nothing at this level mum. I really wanted that London position so I could move back, but this is the next best thing."

"So, you're not coming back?" He can see the tears in her eyes and he's been dreading this call. He knows she will support him no matter what, but he never left with the intention of it being permanent and he had assured her of that.

"Unless I hear about the job in the next week, I'll be accepting Sea Worlds offer. I'm sorry mum."

"Oh, don't be silly love." She dismisses with a flick of her hand. But he doesn't miss the way she wipes under her eyes as she moves out of screen.

"I'm proud of you. You're doing such great work there it's no wonder they want to keep you. Just miss you is all."

"I miss you too mum. Hey I'm sorry but I have to go get ready for work, can I call back in a day or two?"

They say goodbye and hang up, Louis feeling low as he showers, finally shaves his face, leaving some light stubble. He needs a hair cut. Maybe after work.

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