•Chapter Five•

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Louis is just finishing up his final feed round for the evening when in walks a now very familiar face.

"Harry?" He says with a smile, locking the latch to the penguin enclosure and keying in a security pin on the keypad.

"Hi Lou. Nice outfit." He smiles brightly and points down the Louis' overalls and black wellies.

"Why thank you." He pops his hip and pretends to flick his hair off his shoulder. Harry just laughs at him, shaking his head.

"You're an idiot." Harry says fondly.

Louis heads over towards the supply closet where he takes off his boots and coveralls and grabs his own shoes, putting them back on ready to leave.

"So, what brings you to the wonderful London Aquarium on this not so lovely Wednesday evening?" Louis looks outside and shivers when he sees it's pouring buckets outside and is already pitch black.

Harry shrugs, following Louis towards his office where he leans himself against Louis' desk.

"Got out of work early and happened to pass it on my way home. Haven't been here since I was a kid so thought I'd come check it out." He's not looking at Louis, in fact he seems to be inspecting his finger nails closely like he's nervous and Louis wonders what on earth Harry could possibly be nervous about.

"You wanted to come check it out. Ten minutes before closing time?"

Harry rolls his eyes but smiles, this time looking up at Louis who is gathering his things into his bag.

"Ok fine. I got off the train near here to see if you were still in. Thought you might wanna walk home together but then the rain started.."

Louis puts him out of his misery, ignoring the way it makes him feel knowing that Harry just wanted to see him.

"You want to see the aquarium?" He asks and Harry's face lights up like a kid at Christmas.

"I thought you were closing?" He asks but his excitement doesn't falter.

"We are. How about an after hours private tour?"

Harry nods so enthusiastically Louis is worried he'll hurt his neck.

"I'll just go tell Lynn at the front that I'll lock up and not to wait for me. Just wait here a sec."

He rushes down the stairs to the front area where three remaining staff are gathered ready to lock up.

He sends them off and takes the keys from Lynn, dims the exhibit lighting to settle the animals into the night before rushing back up to Harry.

"You snooping?" He asks as he enters the office. Harry jumps slightly from where he's standing behind Louis' desk glancing at his certificates and diplomas on the wall.

"Quite impressive." He says pointing to the frames. "Didn't know you were such a smarty pants."

Louis chooses to ignore him in favour of grabbing his hand and pulling him from the office, closing the door behind them.

They head back to the entrance to begin the tour at the start.

The first room is full of glass enclosures holding a variety of smaller creatures. Frogs, seahorses, tiny octopuses and a tall floor to ceiling glass pillar that is lit up neon blue and full of jelly fish.

Harry asks questions and Louis answers all of them knowledgeably and with far more detail than necessary but Harry gives him his full attention, absorbing all the information like he's going to be quizzed on it later.

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