Chapter 4

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Almost at the same time as that person jumped off the cliff, Feng Lingxi followed suit.

When the pursuers arrived, they didn't even see a ghostly shadow and could only curse angrily, "Damn little poison, ran away again!"

A group of people had faces that turned blue, clearly showing signs of poisoning.

So they didn't dare to stay long. Although they were fully prepared, they still got poisoned and needed to detoxify as soon as possible.

The person known as the little poison fell straight down. They thought they were going to die for sure, but when they were about to hit the ground, their waist tightened and their fall slowed down. They continued to fall and landed on the ground, feeling like their internal organs were about to shift, but fortunately, they didn't suffer any internal injuries, only some minor external injuries.

Looking up, they didn't see anything unusual, but someone clearly helped them.

Back on the cliff, Feng Lingxi put away the ice jade silkworm and clicked her tongue, "I didn't expect to use it for the first time to save someone instead of killing them."

This was just a small episode, and Feng Lingxi didn't care who they saved. They quickly forgot about it.

A sharp eagle cry pierced the sky, and Feng Lingxi squinted to see a large eagle flying straight towards them, arriving in an instant. Although it came fiercely, it stopped in time and did not hit Feng Lingxi, but hovered above her.

Feng Lingxi looked at it for a while, stretched out her arm, and the big eagle cried out. It landed on her arm and affectionately rubbed its head against her. Feng Lingxi smiled and said, "Little crow, long time no see."

The big eagle paused for a moment, and seemed to show a hint of sorrow in its eyes. However, Feng Lingxi paid no attention to its emotions and sighed while knocking its head, "That guy even sent you out. It seems that I have to go back."

While speaking, she took the letter from the leg of the majestic eagle named Little Crow.

As expected, the letter was heart-wrenching and every word was distressing. Only the last sentence directly expressed the writer's intention: come back soon!

Tashui, who was always smart, heard the eagle's cry and came back without waiting for Feng Lingxi's call.

Feng Lingxi let the all-black eagle fly away, then looked at Tashui, who was all white, patted its head, and sighed, "Let's go. Someone can't stand us being carefree."

The weather was beautiful and sunny, and it was the perfect day for a lake trip. Many people were out on the lake today, all for one person: Yun Yi.

TN: Not sure what the name is.

Two talented women sat on a relatively ordinary painted boat. One of them was noble and domineering, exuding an imposing aura that made people not dare to underestimate her. The other had a serious expression and a killing intent about her, and both of them were clearly not ordinary people.

The noble and domineering woman kept sticking her head out to look outside, looking impatient. It seemed that she was another person plotting against Yun Yipublic.

The idea of targeting Prince Yun Yi is real, but this person is different from others. Not only is her identity unique, but her ideas are also different from others.

After waiting for a long time without seeing Prince Yun Yi, the woman became impatient and asked the person sitting next to her, "Su Wen, is Prince Yun Yi really that good?"

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