Chapter 66

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Just as well, but I didn't expect Yun Siyu to not say a word, causing the Empress to be embarrassed and unable to come down from the stage.

Yun Siyu just played with Feng Lingxi's hand like a toy, as if he didn't hear the Empress's question at all. Anyway, Feng Lingxi said she would support him, so he didn't prepare to pay attention to what would happen next.

Fortunately, Feng Lingxi still had a conscience and didn't really roast the Empress on the stove. She slowly took out a shiny gold medal from Yun Siyu's arms, almost blinding a group of people's eyes.

The Empress's eyes lit up, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she had foresight and gave Feng Lingxi a lot of good things.

The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows slightly and couldn't help but glance at the Empress on the phoenix seat. "A pardon medal?"

A pardon medal? Hearing the Queen Mother's words, others boiled over. There was only one pardon medal in the Phoenix Imperial Country. When the Empress was still a princess, the late emperor loved her very much, so he gave her a pardon medal. Unexpectedly, it had now fallen into the hands of the Idle Prince. This allowed the ministers to once again see that the Empress's favor for the Idle Prince had no limits!

In fact, the Empress was just making use of waste. After she ascended the throne, the medal was naturally useless to her. The Empress anticipated that Feng Lingxi's character would eventually cause her trouble, and when she couldn't handle it, the medal would be useful, right? This also prevented her from worrying and turning her hair white, trying to find a way to protect her.

Yun Siyu poked the shiny gold medal with some embarrassment. Wasn't this the pardon medal given by the late emperor? This. . . seems to have been found in a dirty corner.

Just as the Empress was about to calm things down, the quiet Huang Yuyan suddenly spoke up, "The pardon medal was specially prepared by the mother queen for the princess, so it is naturally only useful for the princess. Otherwise, if it accidentally falls into the hands of an unrelated person, they can be pardoned. Wouldn't that person even dare to rebel?"

When Prince Yuyan suddenly said this, many people couldn't help but frown. Everyone with clear eyes knew the Empress's intentions. Prince Yuyan was clearly opposing the Empress!

Even Prince Ning couldn't help but frown. Although he loved Huang Yuyan, she admired her imperial sister more. So when Huang Yuyan and Huang Yuxuan clashed, he felt that Huang Yuyan was being a bit reckless.

Everyone knew why Prince Yuyan was targeting the Idle King, but to go after her beloved in front of her was truly insensitive. Whether he was jealous of Yun Siyu or seeking revenge for a previous slight, if he truly liked the Idle King, he should have respected her feelings.

Even if his words were reasonable, going after someone the Idle King wanted to protect was a slap in her face. No woman would like such a domineering man. It seemed that this prince, despite his fame, had been spoiled and his character had become a bit arrogant.

The empress dowager's face darkened instantly. The palace was never clean, but he did everything he could to protect his own children. Except for Huang Yuxuan, who was destined to become the empress, he had to let her see the harsh realities of the world. Huang Yumo and Huang Yuyan were both well-protected, especially Huang Yuyan.

He was a man and a prince, with the empress dowager paving the way for him, the empress reigning over him, and a prince supporting him. He was bound to find a woman who would love him wholeheartedly and not let him suffer. She would protect him for the rest of his life.

Therefore, the empress dowager did not demand anything from him. She just pampered him and shielded him from the dirty things in life, letting him live a simple life and only experience the beauty of the world.

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