Chapter 73

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He has always been confident in himself, but he cannot let Feng Lingxi feel at ease because of this, just as he would also worry about Feng Lingxi.

So Yun Siyu could only reluctantly decide not to go.

But before he could refuse, Feng Lingxi had already agreed for him.

They agreed to meet at the city gate the next day, and Lu Yayin left. Yun Siyu looked at Feng Lingxi and said, "I can choose not to go." In fact, he didn't really like to socialize with these men, he just wanted to go out.

Feng Lingxi pinched his face and smiled, "Go play! I happen to have something to do next, and I may not have time to accompany you. You will definitely be bored in the palace." The Idle King was still a bit regretful. If she could, she would have gone with him.

Fortunately, although the Broken Heart Cliff is not in the capital, it is not far away. They should be able to return in three or four days at most!

This directly blocked the words that Yun Siyu was still trying to refuse. He didn't want to go because he didn't want to be separated from Feng Lingxi. Compared to being a hero, he still preferred to stay with Feng Lingxi. However, if Feng Lingxi didn't have time to accompany him, it seemed okay to go out and play. He knew that it was possible that Wu Wang had found something, and if that was the case, Feng Lingxi really wouldn't have time to accompany him.

Moreover, it seemed that he had been out of touch for too long. It didn't seem good to play hide and seek like this.

The two of them didn't ask who Lu Yayin had invited. They both thought that there should be many men going on this trip together, otherwise Lu Yayin wouldn't have approached Yun Siyu. But who knew that when Yun Siyu arrived at the city gate, he found out that Lu Yayin had only invited him and Yun Yi. Yun Siyu couldn't help but feel a little confused. So it turned out that Lu Yayin had specially invited him. Why?

Yun Yi was also surprised that Lu Yayin had actually invited Yun Siyu. Lu Yayin didn't know how tense the relationship between Yun Yi and Yun Siyu had become, she only knew that Yun Yi was having a hard time in the General's Mansion, so she wanted to help him.

Su Wen may still be resentful that Yun Yi took advantage of her and slept with Yun Qian every night.

In the mansions of wealthy families, there are many courtyards specifically for accommodating various men, and the lady of the house also has her own residence. If she wants to favor someone, she can go to their courtyard, or if she's not in the mood, she can rest in her own place. Even the legitimate husband has his own separate courtyard, which is completely different from the Idle King's Mansion.

From the moment Yun Siyu entered, Feng Lingxi did not prepare a courtyard for him, and they ended up living together. In the eyes of the Idle King, this is how a husband and wife should be, and Yun Siyu did not feel overwhelmed by the favor.

But if outsiders were to find out, they would probably gossip about it.

Regardless of Su Wen's thoughts, her daily visits to Yun Qian's courtyard indicate that Yun Qian is favored. Yun Qian has always been stubborn, and with this favor, her arrogance has grown, and she has been suppressing the other two attendants. Her attitude is even more domineering than that of Yun Yi, the legitimate husband.

Because he is the eldest son of the General's Mansion, with a noble status, when he entered the General's Mansion, he also received the title of a side consort.

In fact, if you were to compare, other than the legitimate husband, whether it's a side consort or an attendant, they're all about the same, occupying a small position and unable to be in the limelight. But compared to the attendants, the side consort's status is slightly higher.

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