Chapter 5

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Colby looked out the window, watching as Sam left. He laid down on his bed, quietly crying. Colby quickly sat up and wiped away the tears when he heard someone knock on his door.

" Hey, Colby," said Jake. " We should go, rehearsal starts in 30."

" Yea, okay, I'm coming," said Colby.

" Are you sure you're okay to go?" asked Jake. " I mean since you and know."

" I'm fine," said Colby. " Not like I haven't been through a breakup before."

" Okay," said Jake. "I'll meet you downstairs."

Colby was setting up his microphone and his guitar on stage when Brennen walked in. He greeted all of his band mates and then looked innocently at Colby.

" Where's your new roommate?" asked Brennen.

" Oh, he left," said Corey. " It didn't really work out."

" That's a shame," said Brennen, eyeing Colby.

Colby didn't respond. He simply acted like he didn't care and continued with his set up. When Jake and Corey walked backstage, Brennen came over to Colby and gently placed his hands around Colby's waist.

" I'll see you after rehearsal," whispered Brennen into Colby's ear.

Brennen then let him go and went to join the others backstage. Colby knew Brennen was taunting him and it was working.

Song 7: Colby.

Colby is singing to himself here.

Thinking no one is around, Colby moves and dances around the stage, singing his heart out. He had written this song for Sam and was gonna surprise him with it at their next show. He is extremely hurt and heartbroken. He begins to reminisce about the good times he had spent with Sam, about how happy they had been. Slowly regretting everything he lost.

Colby spins and throws his head into his hands as he continues. He leans on one of the stage railings, trying to steady himself, feeling as if his broken heart is going to explode in his chest. He bangs against the railing, pushing off of it to the other side of the stage.

Colby makes his way to the center of the stage and stands there, his arms thrown out, eyes closed and truly feeling the emptiness around him. He opens his eyes and looks around the empty room, singing out loud hoping by some miracle, Sam would somehow hear every word.

When the song ends, Colby is breathing heavily. He then looks over to the side of the stage. Colby sees Jake and Corey waiting in the wings. They had been watching the whole time and they had heard his song.

" Dude, just go after him already," said Jake.

" He won't answer his phone," said Colby, " and his plane leaves in 20 minutes. I'll never make it."

" Not in your car you won't," said Corey, tossing Colby a pair of keys. It was the keys to Corey's mustang.

" Go get him," said Jake. " We'll cover for you."

" Thanks guys," said Colby. " I owe you one."

" Dude, hurry up and go!" laughed Corey.

Song 8: This song is not sung, it is simply meant to play as a background song for a montage of Colby on his way to the airport.

Colby slammed on the gas of the mustang as he hurried towards LAX, counting down the minutes to takeoff. He only prayed he would make it to Sam in time. He knew he had broken so many traffic laws on his drive to the airport, but he was gonna make it.

When Colby arrived at LAX, there was absolutely nowhere to park and Colby didn't have time to drive around.

Colby's tires screeched as he stopped in front of one of the workers outside and rolled down the window.

" What gate is the flight to Kansas leaving from?" asked Colby, hurriedly.

" Woah, you're Colby Brock!" said the worker.

" Which gate? Please, it's important," said Colby.

" Which one?" asked the worker.

" What do you mean which one?" asked Colby.

" Which flight? Flight 207 or Flight 114?" asked the worker.

Colby thought for a moment. " The 114," he said.

" Gate 7," said the worker. " But it's already on the runway, you'll never make that flight."

Colby was running out of time, but he suddenly had a thought when he saw one of the luggage cars going towards the runway.

Colby knew it was crazy, it was dangerous and he would probably get arrested, but the only thing on his mind at this moment was Sam. He needed to stop that plane, one way or another.

Sam sat teary eyed on the plane. He had tried to hide his red puffy eyes but it was obvious he had been crying. Some people did stare at him, they probably knew who he was. Night had fallen in LA and he sat patiently as the plane lined up on the runway for takeoff. However, the plane didn't seem like it was starting up at all. Suddenly, the engine cut and the plane came to a complete stop on the runway. Everyone on the plane was super confused. Sam attempted to see what was happening out his window but couldn't see anything.

" Sam Golbach?" asked the flight attendant.

Sam whipped around to face her. " Uh, yes?" asked Sam.

" You need to come with us," she said.

Sam quickly made his way out of his seat to the front of the plane. The captain and his co-pilot were both standing by the doorway as he walked down the stairs of the plane. Sam couldn't believe what he saw.

Colby was standing in front of the plane, in the middle of the runway. Corey's purple mustang was parked behind him, blocking the plane's way on the runway. When Colby saw Sam, he quickly ran to him. Colby hurriedly made his way up the stairs of the plane.

" Colby?" said Sam. " Are you crazy?"

" Yeah," said Colby. He ran up the stairs to Sam." I'm crazy about you."

Colby cradled Sam's face between his hands and passionately kissed him on the lips.

Colby pulled away. " I'm sorry," said Colby. " I'm so sorry, I was so stupid, I love you Sam Golbach. I'll love you until the day I die. Come back to me, please?"

" You broke my heart, Colby," said Sam. " How could you do that to me?"

" I had to protect you," said Colby. " Brennen threatened to come after you and I was scared, I didn't know what to do, but I'm done letting fear control my life. If he lays a finger on you, it'll be the last thing he ever does. Please, Sam, you're the best thing to ever happen to me. I see that now. I'd be the biggest fool if I had let you leave here. I'd regret it for the rest of my life."

" I knew I would regret falling for you," said Sam.

" I promised you wouldn't," said Colby, " and I always keep my promises. I'll show you, if you'll let me?"

Sam gave him a small smile. " You know you're probably gonna get arrested right?" said Sam.

Colby laughed. " I'm good friends with the sheriff," said Colby, " and his daughter is a big fan."

" Oh yeah?" laughed Sam.

"Yeah," said Colby, kissing Sam once again.

Sam happily kissed him back. They both pulled away as they heard a voice behind them.

" Soooo, are you two getting on the flight or not?" asked the pilot.

Sam and Colby both laughed, and rested their foreheads together. Colby wrapped Sam lovingly in his arms.

They both returned back to the Traphouse and Jake and Corey cheered as they walked in, happy that they had worked things out. 

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