Chapter 2

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Considering at one point of my school life I was sitting on a throne with my crew with more power than the Royal Family, I was more nervous than a teenage boy who had just been caught masturbating by his mum.

I am aware the first half of that sentence made me sound like I was part of Young Money or something, but that was a pretty accurate way of summing it up. I didn't hang out with Lil' Wayne or have tattoos covering my face; I did want a job at some point in my life. Let's face it if Lil' Wayne wasn't a rapper, he would have been screaming 'Wheezy Baby' in an orange jumpsuit.

He probably did just that while he was in prison actually. Didn't the moron accidentally shoot himself? What kind of idiot accidentally pops himself?

Oh lord above; this is how nervous I was. I was having an internal debate about Lil Wayne and his prison stint in my head to avoid the situation at hand.

I was starting my first day at college. Well, sixth form technically but it was college. The school decided to add a sixth form for those of us who liked the short journey to school and didn't want to venture an extra hour out of the way to get to the local college.

This pretty much sums up society now days. Your education is not based on what is best; it's based on what is the closest in order to be able to have that extra hour in bed.

So there I was walking to school, having to stop every few minutes not because I was that unfit, but because I had to keep bracing myself for what was ahead.

Would it be the same? Would it still be the popular clique ruling and making the 'little people' feel bad purely because they weren't beautiful enough, or had enough money? I would have liked to believe that people grew up once they finished high school and went into higher education with the mentality of a rational adult.

That's what I would have liked to believe, but deep down I knew them too well, They were after all my best friends.

In all fairness, I did have a reason to be nervous. I had not seen any of my friends for the last eight months due to this pesky little stay I had to have at a mental institution.

I think anyone in my position would have been that nervous, especially considering that no one knew about my 'meltdown.' My mother had told my friends that I had decided to go and stay with her sister in Italy for a while to get 'my head clear'.

No one would have trouble believing that because in their eyes I was the broken little girl who had lost her dad. I didn't know if I was grateful to my mum for lying for me or resentful because I knew the shallow people I hung out with. I had a feeling if they knew I was in a funny farm, they would not be so keen to carry on our friendship.

Some part of me really wanted this to happen, especially if my prediction was right and they were all still the same spiteful mean girls I used to go to high school with.

I started fiddling with the band around my wrist, and it actually calmed me down a little. I smiled as I looked at the white plastic bracelet, the scruffy handwriting on the paper inside was still as clear now as it was when he gave it to me. I actually let out a laugh as I read the words circled by a bunch of squiggly lines and stars.

It suddenly dawned on me that I would need to make sure no one spotted that. I think it would raise a few questions as to why I had a hospital wristband on with the words 'Mad Maria' written on it. I knew the best thing to do would be to take it off, but I wasn't quite ready for that.

Having that bracelet on my wrist was more calming that those pills they made us take back at the hospital. Actually I could have done with a few of those on that walk to school.

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