3: Sitting Duck

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        Your foot tapped nervously on the blue carpet floor as you sat in the waiting room. For the first time in several months, you found yourself actually wanting to talk to your therapist. Your sessions were usually full of you dodging questions and her trying to get you to open up. Today you found yourself needing to talk to her. You needed to get all of these thoughts out of your head, even if you weren't convinced Alicia could help with easing them.

The break you'd taken from work a couple of days ago hadn't helped for more than a few hours. While the caffeine had heightened your focus it had also made you antsy. You did your best to do all of your tasks well and quickly, but you kept on thinking about everything. By the time your shift was over you were exhausted trying to balance controlling your daydreaming as well as getting everything done well enough to keep Ms. Marley's concern at bay.

As much as you wished you could, you couldn't shut your thoughts off, and the next day you were back to zoning out.

The door to Alicia's office creaked open, snapping you out of your head. "Good to see you, Y/N. Come on in." With a nod you stood and followed her into the office, sitting on a stiff wooden chair. Her office was very academic looking with bookcases on the back wall that contrasted with old patterned wallpaper. From the corner wafted a woody vanilla scent that stemmed from a small lit candle.

Alicia sat across from you and brushed a strand of black hair behind her ear before offering a smile. "So how have you been the past week?"

You released a shaky breath. "Not great I guess. A uh... old friend, Carson, messaged me and I don't know, I just feel really anxious." Anxious may have been an understatement. Lately you'd felt like you were being watched. If you stood by a window for too long you'd have the urge to turn and look behind you. If you were ordering food it always felt like someone somewhere was staring at you. You were paranoid, and you knew it was because of what Carson had told you.

"What did he message you about?" Alicia asked, tilting her head.

"He um... He told me some of the other cult survivors were killed. Three." You gulped and stared down at the floor. "He thinks it was Jack."

Alicia was silent for a moment and you could hear her writing something on her clipboard. "That's... terrifying. Do you also think it was Jack?"

"No." You replied immediately. "He's dead, I don't see any way he could have survived." You glanced up at Alicia enough to see her nod.

"So you think it's someone else? Are the police aware?" She questioned.

You shrugged. "I don't know. I mean I'm sure the cops know they're dead, but I don't think they've connected anything."

"Do you think it'd be a good idea to put in a tip?"

"...Maybe. Everyone's spread out though so it'd be between a bunch of different stations." You didn't know how well several different departments would work together, or if they'd even take you seriously.

Alicia sighed, a worried frown on her lips. "That's a tricky situation... Can't say I know what to do either." She paused. "Do you think they're coming after all of you?"

"Sounds like it." Your foot started to bounce faster.

"Do you have anyone you could stay with for a while? You might not want to be living alone right now." Alicia had picked up on your not-so-subtle body language.

"No, I don't." The only people you ever talked to around here were Ms. Marley and Aiden. They were both nice, but you weren't anywhere near close enough to ask to crash on their couch.

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